Я прыгнул в Обработка (язык) сегодня. Я пытался реализовать строку без функции line (). Другими словами, я пытаюсь скопировать функцию line () с моим собственным кодом. Я почти там, но нет. (Там есть экран, и вы можете щелкать по нему, и эта функция связывает эти щелчки со строками.)
Я имею дело с четырьмя разными наклонами линий (m> 1, 0
Если бы вы могли просто взглянуть на следующий код и сказать мне, где я ошибся, я был бы благодарен.
int xStart = -1; // Starting x and y are negative.
int yStart = -1; // No lines are drawn when mouseReleased() and x/y are negative.
boolean isReset = false; // Turns true when 'r' is pressed to reset polygon chain.
int clickCounter = 0; // Changes background color every 10 clicks (after c is pressed).
color backgroundColor = 0; // Starting background color. Changed occasionally.
color lineColor = 255;
int weight = 1;
void setup() {
size(800, 800); // Initial size is 800x800
background(backgroundColor); // ...background is black.
stroke(lineColor); //... lines/points are white.
void draw() {
void mousePressed(){
void mouseReleased(){ // mouseReleased used instead of mousePressed to avoid dragged clicks.
point(mouseX, mouseY); // Draws white point at clicked coordinates.
if((xStart < 0 && yStart < 0) || isReset){ // If x/y negative or if r was pressed, set start points and return. No line drawn.
xStart = mouseX;
yStart = mouseY;
isReset = false; // Reset isReset to false.
// Sends starting and ending points to createLine function.
createLine(xStart, yStart, mouseX, mouseY); // createLine(...) - Creates line from start point to end point.
xStart = mouseX; // Start point = last click location. End point = Current click location.
yStart = mouseY; // Sets starting coordinates for next click at current click point.
void keyPressed(){
if(key == 'x') // EXTRA CREDIT ADDITION: If x is pressed -> Exit program.
else if(key == 'c'){ // EXTRA CREDIT ADDITTION: If c pressed -> Set background black to clear all lines/points on screen.
if(clickCounter > 10){
backgroundColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255)); // EXTRA CREDIT ADDITION: If cleared and clickCounter is greater
clickCounter = 0; // ...than 10, background changes to random color.
xStart = -1; // Must set points negative so line is not drawn after next new point is made (since there will only be one point on the screen).
yStart = -1;
else if(key == 'r'){ // If r pressed -> Reset: Next click will create new point that isn't connected with line to current points.
isReset = true;
lineColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255)); // EXTRA CREDIT ADDITION: When dot chain is "reset", line changes color.
weight = (int)random(10);
strokeWeight(weight); // EXTRA CREDIT ADDITION: ...and line/dot thickness changes.
// createLine(): Function which draws line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1).
void createLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1){
// 1) Line function draws from left to right. (Does not work right to left.) Check and swap points if ending point is left of starting point.
if(x1 < x0){
print("LEFT TO RIGHT SWITCH. \n");
createLine(x1, y1, x0, y0); // Drawing the line left to right cuts the number of line types we have to deal with to 4 regions.
return; // Regions: slope > 1; 0 < slope < 1; -1 < slope < 0; slope < -1.
// Declare/Initialize data needed to draw line with midpoint algorithm.
int dx = x1 - x0;
int dy = y1 - y0; //dy = Negative when y0 is lower on screen than y2, because origin is top left.
print(y0 + " " + x0 + " " +y1 + " " + x1+ " x y \n");
print(dy + " " + dx + " dx dy\n");
// Handle vertical & horizontal lines...
if(dx == 0 || dy == 0){ // If slope is vertical or horizontal, create line with simple function.
while(y1 != y0){ // If vertical -> Paint by incrementing/decrementing y until points connect.
if(y1 > y0){ // If new point is above -> Draw upwards.
y0 = y0 + 1;
point(x0, y0);
else{ // It new point below -> Draw downwards.
y0 = y0 - 1;
point(x0, y0);
while(x1 != x0){ // If horizontal -> Paint by incrementing x until points connect (will be left to right line always).
x0 = x0 + 1;
point(x0, y0);
// Handle slanted lines...
double tempDX = x1 - x0;
double tempDY = y1 - y0; // Had to create dx and dy as doubles because typecasting dy/dx to a double data type wasn't working.
double m = (-tempDY / tempDX); // m = line slope. (Note - The dy value is negative because positive y is downwards on the screen.)
print("SLOPE CALCULATED: " + m + "\n");
int deltaN = (2 * -dx); // deltaX is the amount to increment d after choosing the next pixel on the line.
int deltaNE = (2 * (-dy - dx)); // ...where X is the direction moved for that next pixel.
int deltaE = (2 * -dy); // deltaX variables are used below to plot line.
int deltaSE = (2 * (dy + dx));
int deltaS = (2 * dx);
int x = x0;
int y = y0;
int d = 0; // d = Amount d-value changes from pixel to pixel. Depends on slope.
int region = 0; // region = Variable to store slope region. Different regions require different formulas.
if(m > 1){ // if-statement: Initializes d, depending on the slope of the line.
d = -dy - (2 * dx); // If slope is 1-Infiniti. -> Use NE/N initialization for d.
region = 1;
else if(m == 1)
region = 2;
else if(m > 0 && m < 1){
d = (2 * -dy) - dx; // If slope is 0-1 -> Use NE/E initialization for d.
region = 3;
else if(m < 0 && m > -1){
d = (2 * dy) + dx; // If slope is 0-(-1) -> Use E/SE initliazation for d.
region = 4;
else if(m == -1)
region = 5;
else if(m < -1){
d = dy + (2 * dx); // If slope is (-1)-(-Infiniti) -> Use SE/S initialization for d.
region = 6;
while(x < x1){ // Until points are connected...
if(region == 1){ // If in region one...
if(d <= 0){ // and d<=0...
d += deltaNE; // Add deltaNE to d, and increment x and y.
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;
d += deltaN; // If d > 0 -> Add deltaN, and increment y.
y = y - 1;
else if(region == 2){
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;
else if(region == 3){
if(d <= 0){
d += deltaE;
x = x + 1;
d += deltaNE;
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;
else if(region == 4){
if(d <= 0){
d += deltaSE;
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
d += deltaE;
x = x + 1;
else if(region == 5){
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
else if(region == 6){
if(d <= 0){
d += deltaSE;
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
d += deltaS;
y = y + 1;
point(x, y);