Я работаю над примером Орейли
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Given;
// Decorator Pattern Example Judith Bishop August 2007
// Draws a single photograph in a window of fixed size
// Has decorators that are BorderedPhotos and TaggedPhotos that can be composed and added
// in different combinations
namespace Given {
// The original Photo class
public class Photo : Form {
Image image;
public Photo () {
image = new Bitmap("jug.jpg");
this.Text = "Lemonade";
this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Drawer);
public virtual void Drawer(Object source, PaintEventArgs e) {
class DecoratorPatternExample {
// This simple BorderedPhoto decorator adds a colored BorderedPhoto of fixed size
class BorderedPhoto : Photo {
Photo photo;
Color color;
public BorderedPhoto (Photo p, Color c) {
photo = p;
public override void Drawer(Object source, PaintEventArgs e) {
photo.Drawer(source, e);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(color, 10),25,15,215,225);
// The TaggedPhoto decorator keeps track of the tag number which gives it
// a specific place to be written
class TaggedPhoto : Photo {
Photo photo;
string tag;
int number;
static int count;
List <string> tags = new List <string> ();
public TaggedPhoto(Photo p, string t) {
photo = p;
tag = t;
number = ++count;
public override void Drawer(Object source, PaintEventArgs e) {
new Font("Arial", 16),
new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
new PointF(80,100+number*20));
public string ListTaggedPhotos() {
string s = "Tags are: ";
foreach (string t in tags) s +=t+" ";
return s;
static void Main () {
// Application.Run acts as a simple client
Photo photo;
TaggedPhoto foodTaggedPhoto, colorTaggedPhoto, tag;
BorderedPhoto composition;
// Compose a photo with two TaggedPhotos and a blue BorderedPhoto
photo = new Photo();
foodTaggedPhoto = new TaggedPhoto (photo,"Food");
colorTaggedPhoto = new TaggedPhoto (foodTaggedPhoto,"Yellow");
composition = new BorderedPhoto(colorTaggedPhoto, Color.Blue);
// Compose a photo with one TaggedPhoto and a yellow BorderedPhoto
photo = new Photo();
tag = new TaggedPhoto (photo,"Jug");
composition = new BorderedPhoto(tag, Color.Yellow);
/* Output
TaggedPhotos are: Food Yellow
TaggedPhotos are: Food Yellow Jug
Следующее упражнение
Предположим, что класс Photo был написан с Drawer как обычный (не виртуальный)
метод, и это не может быть изменено. Восстановите Пример 2-2, чтобы он работал
при этом ограничении
Как я могу это сделать?
Мой подход
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using GivenWihInterface;
namespace GivenWihInterface
interface IPhoto
void Drawer(object sender, PaintEventArgs e);
class Photo : Form, IPhoto
Image image;
public Photo()
image = new Bitmap(@"c:\users\anishmarokey\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Design_Pattern_Decorator\DecoratorPattern_RealExample\Images\apple-6.jpg");
this.Text = "Apple";
this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Drawer);
public void Drawer(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, 20, 20);
class BorderPhoto : Form, IPhoto
IPhoto pho;
Color color;
public BorderPhoto(IPhoto p, Color c)
pho = p;
color = c;
this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Drawer);
public void Drawer(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
pho.Drawer(sender, e);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(color, 10), 25, 15, 215, 225);
namespace DecoratorPattern_RealExample
class DecoratorPatternWithInterface
static void Dispaly(GivenWihInterface.IPhoto p)
static void Main()
IPhoto component = new GivenWihInterface.Photo();
component = new GivenWihInterface.Photo();
IPhoto p = new GivenWihInterface.BorderPhoto(component,Color.Red);
это правильный путь?