В качестве примера того, как использовать запоминание для повышения производительности алгоритма, следующий пример выполняется примерно в 300 раз быстрее для этого конкретного теста. Раньше это занимало ~ 200 секунд; 2/3 запоминается.
class Slice:
__slots__ = 'prefix', 'root', 'suffix'
def __init__(self, prefix, root, suffix):
self.prefix = prefix
self.root = root
self.suffix = suffix
class Match:
__slots__ = 'a', 'b', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'value'
def __init__(self, a, b, prefix, suffix, value):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.prefix = prefix
self.suffix = suffix
self.value = value
class Tree:
__slots__ = 'nodes', 'index', 'value'
def __init__(self, nodes, index, value):
self.nodes = nodes
self.index = index
self.value = value
def old_search(a, b):
# Initialize startup variables.
nodes, index = [], []
a_size, b_size = len(a), len(b)
# Begin to slice the sequences.
for size in range(min(a_size, b_size), 0, -1):
for a_addr in range(a_size - size + 1):
# Slice "a" at address and end.
a_term = a_addr + size
a_root = a[a_addr:a_term]
for b_addr in range(b_size - size + 1):
# Slice "b" at address and end.
b_term = b_addr + size
b_root = b[b_addr:b_term]
# Find out if slices are equal.
if a_root == b_root:
# Create prefix tree to search.
a_pref, b_pref = a[:a_addr], b[:b_addr]
p_tree = old_search(a_pref, b_pref)
# Create suffix tree to search.
a_suff, b_suff = a[a_term:], b[b_term:]
s_tree = old_search(a_suff, b_suff)
# Make completed slice objects.
a_slic = Slice(a_pref, a_root, a_suff)
b_slic = Slice(b_pref, b_root, b_suff)
# Finish the match calculation.
value = size + p_tree.value + s_tree.value
match = Match(a_slic, b_slic, p_tree, s_tree, value)
# Append results to tree lists.
# Return largest matches found.
if nodes:
return Tree(nodes, index, max(index))
# Give caller null tree object.
return Tree(nodes, index, 0)
def search(memo, a, b):
# Initialize startup variables.
nodes, index = [], []
a_size, b_size = len(a), len(b)
# Begin to slice the sequences.
for size in range(min(a_size, b_size), 0, -1):
for a_addr in range(a_size - size + 1):
# Slice "a" at address and end.
a_term = a_addr + size
a_root = a[a_addr:a_term]
for b_addr in range(b_size - size + 1):
# Slice "b" at address and end.
b_term = b_addr + size
b_root = b[b_addr:b_term]
# Find out if slices are equal.
if a_root == b_root:
# Create prefix tree to search.
key = a_pref, b_pref = a[:a_addr], b[:b_addr]
if key not in memo:
memo[key] = search(memo, a_pref, b_pref)
p_tree = memo[key]
# Create suffix tree to search.
key = a_suff, b_suff = a[a_term:], b[b_term:]
if key not in memo:
memo[key] = search(memo, a_suff, b_suff)
s_tree = memo[key]
# Make completed slice objects.
a_slic = Slice(a_pref, a_root, a_suff)
b_slic = Slice(b_pref, b_root, b_suff)
# Finish the match calculation.
value = size + p_tree.value + s_tree.value
match = Match(a_slic, b_slic, p_tree, s_tree, value)
# Append results to tree lists.
# Return largest matches found.
if nodes:
return Tree(nodes, index, max(index))
# Give caller null tree object.
return Tree(nodes, index, 0)
import time
a = tuple(range(50))
b = (48, 11, 5, 22, 28, 31, 14, 18, 7, 29, 49, 44, 47, 36, 25, 27,
34, 10, 38, 15, 21, 16, 35, 20, 45, 2, 37, 33, 6, 30, 0, 8, 13,
43, 32, 1, 40, 26, 24, 42, 39, 9, 12, 17, 46, 4, 23, 3, 19, 41)
start = time.clock()
old_search(a, b)
stop = time.clock()
print('old_search() =', stop - start)
start = time.clock()
search({}, a, b)
stop = time.clock()
print('search() =', stop - start)
Ссылка: Как можно применить запоминание к этому алгоритму?