В течение последнего часа я бился головой о стену, пытаясь понять это, sql выдаёт мне следующую ошибку
Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Procedure GetAppointmentsByProfessionalName, Line 6
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.
при выполнении этой хранимой процедуры
-- =============================================
-- Create date: <July 2010>
-- Description: <Gets a list of appointments for a professionals username>
-- =============================================
Drop procedure GetAppointmentsByProfessionalName
Create procedure GetAppointmentsByProfessionalName(@ProfessionalName varchar(256))
declare @ProfessionalID uniqueidentifier
set @ProfessionalID = (select UserId from aspnet_Users where UserName = @ProfessionalName)
select a.AppointmentID as 'Appointment ID',
c.Name as 'Client Name',
p.Name as 'Professional Name',
a.ProposedDate as 'Date',
CONVERT(CHAR(8), a.ProposedTime, 114)as 'Time',
a.ClientDescription as 'Client Notes',
a.Confirmed as 'Confirmed Appointment'
from Appointment a join Client c on a.ForClientID = c.ClientID
join dbo.Professional p on a.ForProfessionalID = p.ProfessionalID
where ForProfessionalID = @ProfessionalName
Я использую таблицы членства asp.net по умолчанию, а также следующие определения
create table Professional
ProfessionalID uniqueidentifier not null constraint pk_ProID Primary Key references aspnet_Users(UserId),
Name varchar(256),
Email varchar(256),
Phone varchar(256),
DisplayPictureUrl varchar(256),
ProfileSubHeader varchar(1000),
ProfileContent varchar(1000),
ServicesSubHeader varchar(1000),
ServicesContent varchar(1000)
create table Client
ClientID int identity not null constraint pk_ClientID Primary Key clustered,
Name varchar(256),
Email varchar(256),
Phone varchar(256)
create table AppointmentType
TypeID int identity not null constraint pk_AppointmentTypeID Primary Key clustered,
Name varchar(256),
Description varchar(256),
DisplayPictureUrl varchar(256)
create table Appointment
AppointmentID int identity not null constraint pk_AppointmentID Primary Key clustered,
ForClientID int null constraint fk_ForClientID references Client(ClientID),
ForProfessionalID uniqueidentifier not null constraint fk_ForProfessionalID references aspnet_users(UserID),
ProposedTime datetime not null,
ProposedDate datetime not null,
TypeID int not null constraint fk_TypeID references AppointmentType(TypeID),
ClientDescription varchar(256) null,
Confirmed bit
Вероятно, это проблема синтаксиса, я еще не слишком хорошо разбираюсь в SQL. Я надеюсь, что кто-то здесь сможет определить мою проблему.