Вы можете использовать move
для этого. Документация от help move
Moves files and renames files and directories.
To move one or more files:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination
To rename a directory:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2
[drive:][path]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the file
or files you want to move.
destination Specifies the new location of the file. Destination
can consist of a drive letter and colon, a
directory name, or a combination. If you are moving
only one file, you can also include a filename if
you want to rename the file when you move it.
[drive:][path]dirname1 Specifies the directory you want to rename.
dirname2 Specifies the new name of the directory.
/Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to
overwrite an existing destination file.
/-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite
an existing destination file.
The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable.
This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. Default is
to prompt on overwrites unless MOVE command is being executed from
within a batch script.
См. Следующий транскрипт для примера, где он первоначально показывает каталоги qq1
и qq2
как имеющие три и ни одного файла соответственно. Затем мы делаем move
и обнаруживаем, что три файла были перемещены с qq1
на qq2
, как и ожидалось.
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq1
Volume in drive C is Primary
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1
20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR> .
20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR> ..
20/01/2011 11:36 AM 13 xx1
20/01/2011 11:36 AM 13 xx2
20/01/2011 11:36 AM 13 xx3
3 File(s) 39 bytes
2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq2
Volume in drive C is Primary
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq2
20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR> .
20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>move qq1\* qq2
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1\xx1
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1\xx2
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1\xx3
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq1
Volume in drive C is Primary
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1
20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR> .
20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq2
Volume in drive C is Primary
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq2
20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR> .
20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR> ..
20/01/2011 11:36 AM 13 xx1
20/01/2011 11:36 AM 13 xx2
20/01/2011 11:36 AM 13 xx3
3 File(s) 39 bytes
2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free