begin transaction
delete from [table]
where rid !=
(select min(q.rid)
from qvalues q
inner join batchinfo b
on q.rowid = b.rowid
and b.instrument = 'tf1'
group by q.rowid,, q.compound
having count(*) > 1)
and rowid !=
(select q.rowid
from qvalues q
inner join batchinfo b
on q.rowid = b.rowid
and b.instrument = 'tf1'
group by q.rowid,, q.compound
having count(*) > 1)
and name !=
from qvalues q
inner join batchinfo b
on q.rowid = b.rowid
and b.instrument = 'tf1'
group by q.rowid,, q.compound
having count(*) > 1)
and compound !=
(select q.compound
from qvalues q
inner join batchinfo b
on q.rowid = b.rowid
and b.instrument = 'tf1'
group by q.rowid,, q.compound
having count(*) > 1)
чтобы удалить все, кроме max, вы делаете то же самое с синтаксисом max