Труба 1 МБ:
if (0 == CreatePipe(&hRead,&hWrite,0,1024*1024))
printf("CreatePipe failed\n");
return success;
Отправка 4000 байтов за раз (bytesReq = 4000)
while ((bytesReq = (FileSize - offset)) != 0)
//Send data to Decoder.cpp thread, converting to human readable CSV
if ( (0 == WriteFile(hWrite,
0) ) ||
(bytesWritten != bytesReq) )
printf("WriteFile failed error = %d\n",GetLastError());
// Would like to update a status box with the amount of data in the pipe.
I would like to know if and how often it is getting full....
4 байта за один раз считывается в другом потоке, на другом конце канала.