Windows PowerShell 2.0 для начинающего - ошибки в последнем проекте в книге - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 19 сентября 2010

Работа над Powershell 2.0 Джерри Ли Форда младшего для книги Absolute Beginner. В коде книги много типографских ошибок, которые я смог обработать и исправить (отличная практика), но есть одна, которую я просто не могу понять Загрузил его биржевой код с сайта-компаньона, и он выдает точно такую ​​же ошибку. Код выглядит следующим образом:

# *************************************************************************
# Script Name: GameConsole.ps1 (The PowerShell Game Console)
# Version:     1.0
# Author:      Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
# Date:        January 1, 2007
# Description: This PowerShell script provides a listing of PowerShell
#              game scripts and allows the player to play any game by 
#              entering its menu number.
# *************************************************************************

# Initialization Section

$menuList = @()  #Stores an array containing information about script games
$playAgain = "True"  #Controls the execution of a loop that controls game

# Functions and Filters Section

#This function gets the player's permission to begin the game
function Get-GameListing {

  $gameList = @()  #Stores and array containing a list of PowerShell scripts
  $i = 0  #Used to set the index value of the array when adding elements to it

  Clear-Host  #Clear the screen
  Write-Host  #Display a game console header
  Write-Host " --------------------------------------------------------------"
  Write-Host " Windows PowerShell Game Console" -foregroundColor darkred
  Write-Host " --------------------------------------------------------------"

  $location = Set-Location C:\ShellScripts\Games  #Specify the location of the game scripts

  #Load an array with a list of all the PowerShell scripts in the specified folder
  $gameList = Get-ChildItem . *.ps1  # | ForEach-Object -process {$i++; $gameList[$i] = $_.Name }
  $gameList  #Return the contents of the array to the calling statement


#This function displays a menu listing of PowerShell games
function Write-MenuList {

  param($list)  #The list of games to be displayed is passed as an array
  $Counter = 0  #Used to number each menu item

  Write-Host ""

  ForEach ($i in $list) {  #Iterate for each script stored in the array

    $counter++  #Increment the counter by 1

    if ($counter -lt 10) {  #Format the display of the first 9 scripts
      Write-Host " $counter.  $i" -foregroundColor blue
    else {  #Format the display of all remaining scripts
      Write-Host " $counter. $i" -foregroundColor blue


  Write-Host "`n --------------------------------------------------------------"


function End-ScriptExecution {

  Clear-Host #Clear the screen

  Write-Host "`n Thank you for using the Windows PowerShell Game Console"

  Start-Sleep 3  #Pause the execution of the script for 3 seconds

  Clear-Host  #Clear the screen


# Main Processing Section

$response = 0  #Stores player input

#Continue playing new games until the player decides to close the game console
while ($playAgain -eq "True") {

  #Call the function that generates an array containing a list of game scripts
  $menuList = Get-GameListing  

  #Call function that converts the contents of the array into a list of menu items
  Write-MenuList $menuList

  #Prompt the player to pick a game to play
  $response = Read-Host "`n Enter the menu number for a game or Q to quit"

  #Prepare to close the game console when the user decides to quit
  if ($response -eq "Q") {
    $playAgain = "False"  #Modify variable value in order to terminate the loop
    continue  #Repeat the loop

  #Convert the player's input to a integer and then validate the player's input
  if ([int]$response -lt 1) {  #Anything below 1 is not a valid menu number
    Clear-Host  #Clear the screen
    Write-Host "`n `a`aInvalid selection."
    Read-Host   #Pause the script until the player presses the Enter key
    continue    #Repeat the loop

  if ([int]$response -gt $menuList.length) {
    Clear-Host  #Clear the screen
    Write-Host "`n `a`aInvalid selection."
    Read-Host   #Pause the script until the player presses the Enter key
    continue    #Repeat the loop

  Invoke-Expression $menuList[$response]  #Executed the selected game script

  Clear-Host  #Clear the screen



Выдается ошибка:

The term 'fortuneteller.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, functio
n, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a pa
th was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:18
+ fortuneteller.ps1 <<<< 
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (fortuneteller.ps1:String) [], C 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Независимо от того, какой пункт меню ps script я выбрал, я получаю ту же ошибку. Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью!

1 Ответ

6 голосов
/ 19 сентября 2010

Изменить эту строку:

Invoke-Expression $menuList[$response]  #Executed the selected game script 


Invoke-Expression $menuList[$response].FullName

или мои предпочтения:

& $menuList[$response].FullName

Скорее всего, произошел сбой, поскольку он пытается выполнить «FortuneTeller.ps1», а рабочий каталог либо не находится в этом каталоге, либо даже если он находится в этом каталоге, PowerShell не будет выполнять сценарий из текущего каталога без указания путь например ». \ FortuneTeller.ps1" . Указав полный путь через свойство FullName, можно избежать этой проблемы.

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