Пример, размещенный на
, работает с потоком Facebook, но концепция та же
- создать бесконечный цикл setTimeout дляискать элементы потока
- выбирать только элементы потока, не помеченные как обработанные
- элементы потока процесса
- промывать и повторять
Пример кода из сообщения
ruleset a60x512 {
meta {
name "MikeGrace-status-update-translator"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
global {
datasource insult:HTML <- "http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/Shaker/index.html?" cachable for 1 second;
rule find_status_updates_by_mike_grace {
select when pageview ".*"
notify("Starting to look for status upates by Mike Grace","");
emit <|
// get app object to raise web events
app = KOBJ.get_application("a60x512");
// function that finds FB status updates by Mike Grace
function findMikeGrace() {
// loop through each stream item on the page that hasn't been processed already by the app
$K("li[id^=stream_story]:not(li[kfbt])").each(function() {
var currentStreamItem = this;
// grab the current stream item posters name
var name = $K(currentStreamItem).find(".actorName").text();
// mark the stream item as being processed to reduce future processing times
// is the stream item by the perpetrator?
if (name == "Michael Grace") {
// strikethrough the original update
$K(currentStreamItem).find(".messageBody").wrap("<strike />");
// get selector to return translation of status update
var returnSelector = $K(currentStreamItem).attr("id");
returnSelector = "li#"+returnSelector+" .messageBody";
// raise web event to get translation for non geeks
app.raise_event("get_insult", {"returnSelector":returnSelector});
} // end of checking name
}); // end of looping through unprocessed stream items
// call myself again later to process new items on the page
setTimeout(function() {
}, 9000);
// start the process of finding the perpetrator
rule get_insult {
select when web get_insult
pre {
selector = event:param("returnSelector");
insulter = datasource:insult("#{selector}");
foundInsult = insulter.query("font");
singleInsult = foundInsult[0];
emit <|