Так что я пытаюсь сделать загрузчик на основе протокола HTTP.Он работает нормально для небольших текстовых файлов, но если я пытаюсь загрузить что-то большее, скажем, изображение, он не получает все данные.
void accel::getfile(int from, int to){
//send GET message
string msg = msg_get(fpath, true, from, to);
int back = send(socketC, (char*)&msg[0], msg.size(), 0);
//recv response
int buffsize = 512; //buffer size. should not be less than 512
string buff(buffsize, 0);//, resp; //buffer, response message
fstream output(fname, ios::out, ios::trunc); //file
bool found = false;
int dld = 0;
do {
//recv msg to buffer
back = recv(socketC, (char*)&buff[0], buffsize, 0);
dld += back;
//buff.insert(back, "\0");
//cout << buff.c_str();
//is the writing of the body started?
if (found){
output.write(buff.c_str(), back);
cout << ".";
//if not find where the body starts
else {
int point = buff.find("\r\n\r\n");
if (point != -1){
char *p = (char*)&buff[point+4];
output.write(p, back-point-4);
cout << ".";
found = true;
} while (back == buffsize);
cout << "\nComplete\n";
cout << dld << "bytes downloaded\n";
string msg_head(string fpath, bool keep_alive){
string msg;
msg = "HEAD ";
msg += fpath;
msg += " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
if (keep_alive)
msg += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
msg += "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
return msg;
string msg_get(string fpath, bool keep_alive, int from, int to){
string msg;
char number[10];
msg = "GET ";
msg += fpath;
msg += " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
msg += "Range: bytes=";
sprintf(number, "%d", from);
msg += number;
msg += "-";
sprintf(number, "%d", to);
msg += number;
msg += "\r\n";
if (keep_alive)
msg += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
msg += "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
return msg;