Вот один в псевдокоде (a.k.a. Python) за один проход: -P
def parsecsv(instr):
i = 0
j = 0
outstrs = []
# i is fixed until a match occurs, then it advances
# up to j. j inches forward each time through:
while i < len(instr):
if j < len(instr) and instr[j] == '"':
# skip the opening quote...
j += 1
# then iterate until we find a closing quote.
while instr[j] != '"':
j += 1
if j == len(instr):
raise Exception("Unmatched double quote at end of input.")
if j == len(instr) or instr[j] == ',':
s = instr[i:j] # get the substring we've found
s = s.strip() # remove extra whitespace
# remove surrounding quotes if they're there
if len(s) > 2 and s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"':
s = s[1:-1]
# add it to the result
# skip over the comma, move i up (to where
# j will be at the end of the iteration)
i = j+1
j = j+1
return outstrs
def testcase(instr, expected):
outstr = parsecsv(instr)
print outstr
assert expected == outstr
# Doesn't handle things like '1, 2, "a, b, c" d, 2' or
# escaped quotes, but those can be added pretty easily.
testcase('a, b, "1, 2, 3", c', ['a', 'b', '1, 2, 3', 'c'])
testcase('a,b,"1, 2, 3" , c', ['a', 'b', '1, 2, 3', 'c'])
# odd number of quotes gives a "unmatched quote" exception
#testcase('a,b,"1, 2, 3" , "c', ['a', 'b', '1, 2, 3', 'c'])