На самом деле это не ответ на вопрос ОП, но он может быть полезен для тех, кто ищет простой способ замены строк в строку, содержащую "элементы формата" стиля C #.
* Method to "format" an array of objects as a single string, performing two possible kinds of
* formatting:
* 1. If the first object in the array is a String, and depending on the number of objects in the
* array, then a very simplified and simple-minded C#-style formatting is done. Format items
* "{0}", "{1}", etc., are replaced by the corresponding following object, converted to string
* (of course). These format items must be as shown, with no fancy formatting tags, and only
* simple string substitution is done.
* 2. For the objects in the array that do not get processed by point 1 (perhaps all of them,
* perhaps none) they are converted to String and concatenated together with " - " in between.
* @param objectsToFormat Number of objects in the array to process/format.
* @param arrayOfObjects Objects to be formatted, or at least the first objectsToFormat of them.
* @return Formatted string, as described above.
public static String formatArrayOfObjects(int objectsToFormat, Object... arrayOfObjects) {
// Make a preliminary pass to avoid problems with nulls
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToFormat; i++) {
if (arrayOfObjects[i] == null) {
arrayOfObjects[i] = "null";
// If only one object, just return it as a string
if (objectsToFormat == 1) {
return arrayOfObjects[0].toString();
int nextObject = 0;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// If first object is a string it is necessary to (maybe) perform C#-style formatting
if (arrayOfObjects[0] instanceof String) {
String s = (String) arrayOfObjects[0];
while (nextObject < objectsToFormat) {
String formatItem = "{" + nextObject + "}";
if (!s.contains(formatItem)) {
s = s.replace(formatItem, arrayOfObjects[nextObject].toString());
// Remaining objects (maybe all of them, maybe none) are concatenated together with " - "
for (; nextObject < objectsToFormat; nextObject++) {
if (nextObject > 0) {
stringBuilder.append(" - ");
return stringBuilder.toString();
(И если вам интересно, я использую этот код как часть простой обертки для методов журнала Android, чтобы упростить запись нескольких вещей в одном сообщении журнала.)