Вот улучшенная версия лямбда-функций.Это излишне, и довольно загадочно, но это кратко и гибко с точки зрения того, как можно жонглировать по различным критериям поля.Очевидно, вам нужно повысить.Также ожидайте увеличения времени компиляции.Итак, вот оно:
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
#include "boost/lambda/detail/operator_actions.hpp"
#include "boost/lambda/detail/operator_return_type_traits.hpp"
#include "boost/lambda/detail/control_structures_impl.hpp"
#include "boost/ref.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::lambda;
//helpers: a better way would be to group them
//under a flyweight, or something...
string extract_year(string str_)
return str_.substr(0,2);
string extract_dayofyear(string str_)
return str_.substr(2,3);
string extract_timeofday(string str_)
return str_.substr(5,4);
string extract_zone(string str_)
return str_.substr(10,1);
string extract_site(string str_)
return str_.substr(12,4);
//Uhm, just for brevity... ('cause otherwise we should stay away from macros ;-)
#define IF_THEN_ELSE_RET(op1,op2,exp) if_then_else_return(var(op1)<var(op2),true,if_then_else_return(var(op1)>var(op2),false,exp))
void sort_fnames(vector<string>& fnames)
string z1,z2,s1,s2,y1,y2,d1,d2,t1,t2;
//sort by zone-then-site-then-year-then-day-then-time:
//Note the format of the sort(fnames.begin(),fnames.end(), (,...,boolean_expression) );
//remember, in a sequence of comma-dellimited statements enclosed between parens, like
//val=(.,...,boolean_expression); only the last expression, boolean_expression, gets
//assigned to variable "val";
//So, in the sort() call below, the statements
//var(z1)=bind(extract_zone,_1),var(z2)=bind(extract_zone,_2), etc.
//are only initializing variables that are to be used in the composition
//of if_then_else_return(,,) lambda expressions whose composition
//combines the zone-then-site-then-year-then-day-then-time criteria
//and amounts to a boolean that is used by sort to decide the ordering