Вот мое решение, основанное на статье http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/210604448.Но я не уверен, действительно ли это потокобезопасно.Ну, это не сайт для повторного просмотра, но если что-то не так, скажите, пожалуйста.Каждый может свободно использовать этот код, часть malloc должна быть заменена распределителем пула памяти без блокировки.
#include <Windows.h>
/// @brief A single reader, single writer queue
template <typename T>
class LockFreeQueue {
/// @brief Node of the queue
struct Node {
Node( T* val ) : value(val), next(0) { }
T* value;
Node* next;
Node* first; // for producer only
Node* divider; // shared
Node* last; // shared
// no copy
LockFreeQueue& operator=(const LockFreeQueue&);
LockFreeQueue(const LockFreeQueue&);
/// @brief Constructor
: first(new Node(0)),
/// @brief Destructor
while( first != 0 )
// release the list
Node* tmp = first;
first = tmp->next;
delete tmp;
/// @brief Pushes to the end of the queue
/// @warning Must only be called from the producer
void push_back(T* t)
last->next = new Node(t); // add the new item
// publish it
InterlockedExchangePointer(&last, last->next); // last = last->next;
while(first != divider)
{ // trim unused nodes
Node* tmp = first;
first = first->next;
delete tmp;
/// @brief Pop an element from the front
/// @warning Must only be called from the consumer
/// @return true If a node was popped
/// @return false If queue is empty
bool pop_front(T* result )
if(divider != last)
// if queue is nonempty
result = divider->next->value; // C: copy it back
// D: publish that we took it
InterlockedExchangePointer(÷r, divider->next); // divider = divider->next;
return true; // and report success
return false; // else report empty
/// @brief Points to the element at the front
/// @warning Must only be called from the consumer
/// @return 0 if queue is empty
/// @return Pointer to the first node
T* front()
T* t = 0;
if(divider != last)
t = divider->next->value;
return t;