Вот еще один пример, который я придумал после того, как некоторое время боролся с молнией.Это похоже на другие примеры, но я добавил много комментариев в тех областях, где я думал, что необходимы дополнительные пояснения.Java SE9
public final class Zipper {
private static FileOutputStream fos;
private static ZipOutputStream zos;
private static BufferedOutputStream bos;
private static ZipEntry entry;
private static FileInputStream fis;
private static BufferedInputStream bis;
private static final int BUFFER_CAPACITY = 1024;
private static byte[] buffer; // The actual buffer a byte array with a capacity of 1024
private static int buffer_size; // The buffer size (not capacity) used by the read()-method of the BufferedInputStream.
* This is the method to start things with.
* @param source File object referencing the unzipped folder to be turned into a zip file.
* @param target File object referencing the yet to be written zip-file that will contain the entire folder (source)
* @param compression_level The level of compression expressed by an int-value. See Deflater class for constant details.
* @return True if everything worked as planned, false if not.
public static boolean zipFile(File source, File target, int compression_level) {
boolean check = true;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(target); // Primary output stream connecting to the file to be zipped
zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos); // Secondary zip-stream that writes zipped data to the primary stream
zos.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);// Method of compression this expression is the default setting
zos.setLevel(compression_level); // Sets the level of compression 0 = no compression
bos = new BufferedOutputStream(zos);// Secondary buffered stream that writes to the Zip-stream
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Zipper.zipFile() says: " + e);
check = false;
if (source.isDirectory()) {
buffer = new byte[BUFFER_CAPACITY];
if (manageFolder(source, ""))//Because of recursive character of the called method the second argument
//must be empty, if the method is called for the first time.
check = false;
} else {
buffer = new byte[BUFFER_CAPACITY];
if (writeFileToZipStream(source, ""))
check = false;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("While closing streams (final), the following happend: " + e);
return true;
} // end of zipFile()
* Receives a folder path and extracts all content (files and subfolders) into a File[] if it then detects
* another folder it calls itself and passes on the new folder path as the first parameter.
* The second parameter is the relative path/name of the current sub-folder
* seen from the perspective of the root or base folder. As folders get written as part of a file, you don't have to
* care for folders, just make sure your files carry the all folders in their file name and these file names
* are passed on to the ZipEntry.
* @param source_folder The current folder to be written to the ZipOutputStream. Absolute folder
* @param name The relative path to the current folder. Empty at first and building up
* as it goes deeper down the folder hierarchy.
* @return True if everything worked as planned, false if not.
private static boolean manageFolder(File source_folder, String name) {
boolean check = true;
File[] all_files = source_folder.listFiles();//Array containing all files and folders of the current folder tier
for (File single_file : all_files) { // Iteration over all the files and folders
if (single_file.isDirectory()) { // If a sub-folder is encountered ...
manageFolder(single_file, name + File.separator + single_file.getName()); // Call the current method with: Arg1 absolute path to current sub-folder, Arg2 name of current folder(s) + "/" + name of current sub-folder
} else { // If a simple file is encountered
if (!writeFileToZipStream(single_file, name +File.separator + single_file.getName())) // Call the writeFileToZip()-method with Arg1: absolute path to source file, Arg2 subfolder(s) + "/" + file name
check = false;
return check;
} // end of manageFolder()
* Writes a file to the BufferedOutputStream.
* @param source_file Absloute path a file in the source folder
* @param entry_name Relative path to a file starting at the root or base folder level.
* @return True if everything worked as planned, false if not.
private static boolean writeFileToZipStream(File source_file, String entry_name) {
entry_name = entry_name.equals("") ? entry_name : entry_name.substring(1); // Deletes initial "\"
boolean check = true;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(source_file);
bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis, BUFFER_CAPACITY);
entry = new ZipEntry(entry_name.equals("") ? source_file.getName() : entry_name); //Reacts to an empty argument
while ((buffer_size = bis.read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_CAPACITY)) != -1) {
bos.write(buffer, 0, buffer_size);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Zipper.writeFileToZipStream() says: " + e);
check = false;
try {
bos.flush(); // Don't forget to flush the stream .
zos.closeEntry(); // Close every entry before you open a new one.
bis.close(); // The input streams will be attached to every file, so it must be closed after each run.
fis.close(); // Same here.
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("While closing streams (file), the following happend: " + e);
return check;
} // end of writeImageFileToZioStream()
} // end of class