GSAPI *gsAPI // declare this
gsAPI = [[GSAPI alloc] initWithAPIKey:<API-KEY> viewController:self]; // i kept this in viewDidload
// add this code to have facebook and twitter on provider list
GSDictionary *pParams5 = [[GSDictionary new] autorelease];
[pParams5 putStringValue:@"facebook,twitter" forKey:@"enabledProviders"];
[gsAPI showAddConnectionsUI:pParams5 delegate:self context:nil];
//this method called when login fails
-(void)gsLoginUIDidFail:(int)errorCode errorMessage:(NSString*)errorMessage context:(id)context{ }
// this method called on successful login
- (void) gsLoginUIDidLogin:(NSString*)provider user:(GSDictionary*)user context:(id)context {}
Проверьте, есть ли у вас действующий API