Наткнулся на другой подход, который может сработать в вашем случае:
function tftp_fetch($host, $filename)
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
// create the request packet
$packet = chr(0) . chr(1) . $filename . chr(0) . 'octet' . chr(0);
// UDP is connectionless, so we just send on it.
socket_sendto($socket, $packet, strlen($packet), 0x100, $host, 69);
$buffer = '';
$port = '';
$ret = '';
// $buffer and $port both come back with information for the ack
// 516 = 4 bytes for the header + 512 bytes of data
socket_recvfrom($socket, $buffer, 516, 0, $host, $port);
// add the block number from the data packet to the ack packet
$packet = chr(0) . chr(4) . substr($buffer, 2, 2);
// send ack
socket_sendto($socket, $packet, strlen($packet), 0, $host, $port);
// append the data to the return variable
// for large files this function should take a file handle as an arg
$ret .= substr($buffer, 4);
while(strlen($buffer) == 516); // the first non-full packet is the last.
return $ret;
Самая интересная часть этого подхода:
while(strlen($buffer) == 516); // the first non-full packet is the last.