Редактировать: Вы когда-нибудь гуглили что-то, только чтобы найти свой ответ? Вот функция, которая может быть более полезной, поскольку она автономна:
function convertToClosest($c) {
// set minimum difference you'll allow between colors
$minDiff = 1000;
// generate color array
$colorArrayOriginal = array(
"black" => "000000",
"brown" => "6E4700",
"gray" => "555555",
"white" => "FFFFFF",
"red" => "EB0000",
"orange" => "FF9914",
"yellow" => "FFF71C",
"green" => "1BB500",
"blue" => "005BB5",
"purple" => "4E00B5"
foreach ($colorArrayOriginal as $colorID => $color) {
$r = substr($color,0,2);
$g = substr($color,2,2);
$b = substr($color,4,2);
$colorArray[$colorID] = array($r,$g,$b);
// here, we break apart the color we input, $c
$r = substr($c,0,2);
$g = substr($c,2,2);
$b = substr($c,4,2);
$inHex = array($r,$g,$b);
$color = false;
// we define the "best so far" variable as the min, since we can't have a best that's more
$bestDiff = $minDiff;
// here, we parse through each of the colors finding the closest, using the native hexdec function to parse
// out the best values to compare
foreach ($colorArray as $colorID => $cc) {
$diff = abs(hexdec($inHex[0]) - hexdec($cc[0])) + abs(hexdec($inHex[1]) - hexdec($cc[1])) + abs(hexdec($inHex[2]) - hexdec($cc[2]));
// if the difference in value between the colors is less than the best one of all the ones we've tried...
if ($diff<=$bestDiff) {
$color = $colorID;
$bestDiff = $diff;
return $color;
Вот оригинал:
function convertToClosest($c,$colorArray) {
// here, we break apart the color we input, $c
$r = substr($c,0,2);
$g = substr($c,2,2);
$b = substr($c,4,2);
$inHex = array($r,$g,$b);
$color = false;
// we define the "best so far" variable as the min, since we can't have a best that's more
$bestDiff = $minDiff;
// here, we parse through each of the colors finding the closest, using the native hexdec function to parse
// out the best values to compare
foreach ($colorArray as $colorID => $cc) {
$diff = abs(hexdec($inHex[0]) - hexdec($cc[0])) + abs(hexdec($inHex[1]) - hexdec($cc[1])) + abs(hexdec($inHex[2]) - hexdec($cc[2]));
// if the difference in value between the colors is less than the best one of all the ones we've tried...
if ($diff<=$bestDiff) {
$color = $colorID;
$bestDiff = $diff;
return $color;
также, если вы хотите сгенерировать переменную $ colorArray
$colorArrayOriginal = [two dimensional array of your colors ]
foreach ($colorArrayOriginal as $c) {
$r = substr($c["hex"],0,2);
$g = substr($c["hex"],2,2);
$b = substr($c["hex"],4,2);
$colorArray["$c[id]"] = array($r,$g,$b);