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See the sun whispering the light of our days from last summer...
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<a href="#" data-holdclass="positive_hold" data-content_id="1339" data-score="1" class="upvote_button positive overlaybutton" name=""><img src="/media/img/brightmix/star.png"> Great Find!</a>
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<em><img src="/media/img/brightmix/placedot2_white.png" align="texttop" width="12" height="auto"> Spear St. Oakland, 94107</em>
<span>Hey it's weekend! Whohoooo :O) Made a few new photos on my favorite heathland just outside the city, the sunset ...</span>
<div class="title_text_only">
See the sun whispering the light of our days from last summer...
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Hey it's weekend! Whohoooo :O) Made a few new photos on my favorite heathland just outside the city, the sunset was so gorgeous and soft just perfect for my &amp;quot;cream ...