В качестве альтернативы, с JDK / 11 существует другой способ сравнения ByteBuffer
с другим. API, который в первую очередь фокусируется на поиске несоответствия между ними, можно использовать как -
int mismatchBetweenTwoBuffers = byteBuffer1.mismatch(byteBuffer2);
if(mismatchBetweenTwoBuffers == -1) {
System.out.println("The buffers are equal!");
} else {
System.out.println("The buffers are mismatched at - " + mismatchBetweenTwoBuffers);
Документация гласит: -
* Finds and returns the relative index of the first mismatch between this
* buffer and a given buffer. The index is relative to the
* {@link #position() position} of each buffer and will be in the range of
* 0 (inclusive) up to the smaller of the {@link #remaining() remaining}
* elements in each buffer (exclusive).
* <p> If the two buffers share a common prefix then the returned index is
* the length of the common prefix and it follows that there is a mismatch
* between the two buffers at that index within the respective buffers.
* If one buffer is a proper prefix of the other then the returned index is
* the smaller of the remaining elements in each buffer, and it follows that
* the index is only valid for the buffer with the larger number of
* remaining elements.
* Otherwise, there is no mismatch.
* @return The relative index of the first mismatch between this and the
* given buffer, otherwise -1 if no mismatch.
* @since 11
public int mismatch(ByteBuffer that)