Краткий ответ: [\w/_\.]
не соответствует -
, поэтому сделайте это [-\w/_\.]
Длинный ответ:
@ - delimiter
( - start of group
https?:// - http:// or https://
([-\w.]+)+ - capture 1 or more hyphens, word characters or dots, 1 or more times.. this seems odd - don't know what the second + is for
(:\d+)? - optionally capture a : and some numbers (the port)
( - start of group
/ - leading slash
( - start of group
[\w/_\.] - any word character, underscore or dot - you need to add hyphen to this list or just make it [^?\S] - any char except ? or whitespace (the path + filename)
(\?\S+)? - optionally capture a ? followed by anything except whitespace (the querystring)
)? - close group, make it optional
)? - close group, make it optional
) - close group