Как сделать поле многострочной формы Description
перенос слов и выравнивание по верху его текст?
<script type="text/javascript">
var panel_form = new Ext.FormPanel({
labelWidth: 100,
style: 'margin: 10px',
title: 'Test Product ID#2',
bodyStyle:'padding:5px 5px 0',
width: 500,
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'ID',
value: '2',
name: 'id',
disabled: true,
width: 370,
style: 'text-align: right',
name: 'id',
disabled: true,
width: 50,
fieldLabel: 'Product',
value: 'Envelope',
name: 'product',
width: 370,
fieldLabel: 'Description',
value: 'Having a good idea about the functional requirements and client-side technology choices, the next step was to decide how things were going to be on the server side. To channel all communications with my web client I decided to use an http handler. For the articles repository, a binary file would go very well with my simplicity and short-construction-time requirements. Any data access and business logic would be placed inside class libraries.',
name: 'description',
width: 370,
height: 100,
Когда я пытаюсь xtype: 'textArea'
, я получаю ошибку types[config.xtype || defaultType] is not a constructor
fieldLabel: 'Description',
value: 'Having a good idea about the functional requirements and client-side technology choices, the next step was to decide how things were going to be on the server side. To channel all communications with my web client I decided to use an http handler. For the articles repository, a binary file would go very well with my simplicity and short-construction-time requirements. Any data access and business logic would be placed inside class libraries.',
height: 100,
xtype: 'textArea',
name: 'description',
width: 370,