Я сделал это, создав категорию на NSIndexSet. Это сделало его небольшим и эффективным, требуя очень мало кода с моей стороны.
Мой интерфейс (NSIndexSet_Arrays.h):
* Provides a category of NSIndexSet that allows the conversion to and from an NSDictionary
* object.
@interface NSIndexSet (Arrays)
* Returns an NSArray containing the contents of the NSIndexSet in a format that can be persisted.
- (NSArray*) arrayRepresentation;
* Initialises self with the indexes found wtihin the specified array that has previously been
* created by the method @see arrayRepresentation.
+ (NSIndexSet*) indexSetWithArrayRepresentation:(NSArray*)array;
и реализация (NSIndexSet_Arrays.m):
#import "NSIndexSet_Arrays.h"
@implementation NSIndexSet (Arrays)
* Returns an NSArray containing the contents of the NSIndexSet in a format that can be persisted.
- (NSArray*) arrayRepresentation {
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
[self enumerateRangesUsingBlock:^(NSRange range, BOOL *stop) {
[result addObject:NSStringFromRange(range)];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:result];
* Initialises self with the indexes found wtihin the specified array that has previously been
* created by the method @see arrayRepresentation.
+ (NSIndexSet*) indexSetWithArrayRepresentation:(NSArray*)array {
NSMutableIndexSet *result = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
for (NSString *range in array) {
[result addIndexesInRange:NSRangeFromString(range)];
return result;