strpos + strrpos
(ой ...)
$str = 'sample string with <::Class id="some id" and more">text with possible <::Strong>other<::/Strong> tags inside<::/Class> some more text';
$tag = '<::';
$first = strpos($str, $tag);
$last = strrpos($str, $tag);
$rtn = array();
$cnt = 0;
while ($first<$last)
if (!$cnt)
$rtn[] = substr($str, 0, $first);
$next = strpos($str, $tag, $first+1);
if ($next)
$pos = strpos($str, '>', $first);
$rtn[] = substr($str, $first, $pos-$first+1);
$rtn[] = substr($str, $pos+1, $next-$pos-1);
$first = $next;
С $rtn
вы можете делать все, что захотите ... этот код еще не совершенен ...
array (
0 => 'sample string with ',
1 => '<::Class id="some id" and more">',
2 => 'text with possible ',
3 => '<::Strong>',
4 => 'other',
5 => '<::/Strong>',
6 => ' tags inside',
7 => '<::/Class> some more text',