Трудная часть пытается выяснить, что делает функция stripwhitespace (). stripbuffer () довольно прост, но я какое-то время смотрел на этот маленький кусочек кода, пытаясь его расшифровать, но безрезультатно. Загадочные имена переменных и отсутствие комментариев тоже мало помогают. Мне также пришлось удалить некоторые гиперссылки из кредитов из-за предотвращения спама на этом сайте
/* ---------------------------------
26 January, 2008 - 2:55pm:
The example below is adapted from a post by londrum 8:29 pm on June 7, 2007:
"crunch up your HTML into a single line
a handy little script..."
This PHP code goes at the very TOP of the PHP-enabled HTML webpage
above EVERYTHING else. Recommendation: use a PHP include file for this
to have only one file to maintain.
--------------------------------- */
function stripwhitespace($bff){
return $rst;
function stripBuffer($bff){
/* carriage returns, new lines */
/* tabs */
/* opening HTML tags */
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<a",">\r <a",">\r\r <a","> \r<a",">\n<a","> \n<a","> \n<a",">\n\n <a"),"><a",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<d",">\n<d","> \n<d",">\n <d",">\r <d",">\n\n<d"),"><d",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<f",">\n<f",">\n <f"),"><f",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<h",">\n<h",">\t<h","> \n\n<h"),"><h",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<i",">\n<i",">\n <i"),"><i",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<l","> \r<l",">\n<l","> \n<l","> \n<l","/>\n<l","/>\r<l"),"><l",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r<p",">\n<p",">\n\n<p","> \n<p","> \n <p"),"><p",$bff);
/* closing HTML tags */
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r</d",">\n</d",">\n </d"),"></d",$bff);
/* other */
$bff=str_replace(array("\n<div")," <div",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array(">\r\r \r<"),"><",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(array("> \n \n <"),"><",$bff);
$bff=ereg_replace(" {2,}",' ',$bff);
$bff=ereg_replace(" {3,}",' ',$bff);
$bff=str_replace("> <","><",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(" <","<",$bff);
/* non-breaking spaces */
$bff=str_replace(" "," ",$bff);
$bff=str_replace(" "," ",$bff);
/* Example of EXCEPTIONS where I want the space to remain
between two form buttons at */
/* <!-- http://websitetips.com/articles/copy/loremgenerator/ --> */
/* name="select" /> <input */
$bff=str_replace(array("name=\"select\" /><input"),"name=\"select\" /> <input",$bff);
return $bff;