Пользовательская веб-часть Sharepoint 2010 - ошибка доступа запрещена - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 07 декабря 2010

мы создали пользовательскую веб-часть для отображения объявлений из всех списков, к которым у пользователя есть доступ, а некоторые из них удалены.Ошибка, которую мы имеем, состоит в том, что веб-часть отлично работает на странице для администраторов, но при тестировании с обычными учетными записями пользователей они вообще не могут видеть страницу и получают ошибку «Отказано в доступе», которая исходит от самой веб-части.

Только когда пользователь добавлен в качестве администратора семейства сайтов, он может видеть страницу и иметь доступ к веб-части.Я хотел бы дать несколько советов о том, как можно применять полные разрешения на чтение к выбранной группе в самом коде.

Ниже приведен внутренний код

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace Test.TestWebPart

    public partial class TestWebPartUserControl : UserControl
        //Global variable call
        private SPSite thisSite = SPContext.Current.Site;
        private SPWebCollection thisWeb;
        private DataTable dt;
        private SPListCollection siteLists;
        private DataTableWrapper myDataTable;

        //Occurs when the page loads
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Pulls all the websites in the site into a webcollection
            thisWeb = thisSite.AllWebs;

            //If the page is not postback call BindToGrid()
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)

        private void BindToGrid()
            //Create a new DataTable along with the columns and headers
            dt = new DataTable();

            //Call to populate the DataTable
            dt = SelectData();

            //Populate DataTableWrapper class and get the type
            myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt);
            Type t = myDataTable.GetType();

            //Create a ObjectDataSource to hold data and bind to spgridview
            ObjectDataSource ds = new ObjectDataSource();
            ds.ID = "myDataSource";
            ds.TypeName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName;
            ds.SelectMethod = "GetTable";
            ds.ObjectCreating += new ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler(ds_ObjectCreating);

            grid.ID = "gridID";

            BoundField column = new BoundField();
            column.DataField = "Title";
            column.HtmlEncode = false;
            //column.SortExpression = "Title";
            column.HeaderText = "Title";

            BoundField column1 = new BoundField();
            column1.DataField = "Created";
            column1.HtmlEncode = true;
            //column1.SortExpression = "Created";
            column1.HeaderText = "Created";

            BoundField column2 = new BoundField();
            column2.DataField = "List";
            column2.HtmlEncode = false;
            //column2.SortExpression = "List";
            column2.HeaderText = "List";

            //Provide the SPGridview with the DataSource
            grid.DataSourceID = "myDataSource";

            //grid.PageSize =10;
            //grid.AllowPaging = true;

            //Default Pagination - commented out due to not working
            //grid.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler(grid_PageIndexChanging);
            //grid.PagerTemplate = null;

            //Bind the data to the grid


        //private void GenerateColumns()


        //Used to deal with the PageIndexChange event
        void grid_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
            grid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

        //Used to deal with the ObjectCreated event
        void ds_ObjectCreating(object sender, ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e)
            myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt);
            e.ObjectInstance = myDataTable;

        //Pulls the data from lists which will be displayed
        public DataTable SelectData()
                //Create a new instance of type DataRow
                DataRow row;

                //Loop through each website in the webcollection
                foreach (SPWeb web in thisWeb)
                    //Pull the lists from the site into a list collection
                    siteLists = web.Lists;
                    //Display only lists the current user has access to
                    siteLists.ListsForCurrentUser = true;

                    //Loop through each list within the list collection
                    foreach (SPList list in siteLists)

                            //If the list is an announcement list continue otherwise skip
                            if (list.BaseTemplate.ToString() == "Announcements")
                                //Exclude the lists stated from those whose data will be collected
                                if (list.Title.ToString() == "Bulletins" || list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz - Curriculum" || list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz - Personal" || list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz - Support" || list.Title.ToString() == "Critical Annoucements")
                                    //Create a item collection for each item within the current list
                                    SPListItemCollection listItem = list.Items;

                                    //Loop through each item within the item collection
                                    foreach (SPListItem item in listItem)
                                        //Get the url of the current website
                                        string weburl = web.Url;
                                        //Gets the URL of the current item
                                        string dispurl = item.ContentType.DisplayFormUrl;
                                        dispurl = list.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url;

                                        //Joins together the full URL for the current item into a single variable
                                        dispurl = string.Format("{0}/{1}?ID={2}", weburl, dispurl, item.ID);
                                        //Create a new in the datatable as an instance of row
                                        row = dt.Rows.Add();

                                        //Put the correct information and links into the correct column
                                        row["Title"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + dispurl + "\">" + item["Title"].ToString() + "</a>";
                                        row["Created"] = item["Created"].ToString();
                                        row["List"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + list.DefaultViewUrl + "\">" + list.Title + "</a>";
                //Return the completed DataTable
                return dt;

            //Exception to catch any errors
            catch (Exception s)
                return dt;


Ответы [ 3 ]

1 голос
/ 07 декабря 2010
thisWeb = thisSite.AllWebs;

Для этого кода требуются права администратора. Запустите его под повышенными привилегиями: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spsecurity.runwithelevatedprivileges.aspx

0 голосов
/ 27 марта 2013

SPWeb.GetSubwebsForCurrentUser () должен использоваться. Он получает SubWebs, к которым у текущего пользователя есть доступ. Избегайте использования ElevatedPriveleges до тех пор, пока вам это не понадобится.

0 голосов
/ 14 декабря 2010

На основе приведенных выше комментариев и отредактированных изменений приведен полный рабочий код, если кому-то интересно: -

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace Test.TestWebPart
    public partial class TestWebPartUserControl : UserControl
        //Global variable call
        private SPSite thisSite = SPContext.Current.Site;
        //private SPWebCollection thisWeb;//
        private SPWeb thisWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
        private DataTable dt;
        private SPListCollection siteLists;
        private DataTableWrapper myDataTable;

        //Occurs when the page loads
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Pulls all the websites in the site into a webcollection
            //thisWeb = thisSite.AllWebs.;//

            //If the page is not postback call BindToGrid()
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)

        private void BindToGrid()
            //Create a new DataTable along with the columns and headers
            dt = new DataTable();

            //Call to populate the DataTable
            dt = SelectData();

            //Populate DataTableWrapper class and get the type
            myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt);
            Type t = myDataTable.GetType();

            //Create a ObjectDataSource to hold data and bind to spgridview
            ObjectDataSource ds = new ObjectDataSource();
            ds.ID = "myDataSource";
            ds.TypeName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName;
            ds.SelectMethod = "GetTable";
            ds.ObjectCreating += new ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler(ds_ObjectCreating);

            grid.ID = "gridID";

            //Sorting, Filtering & paging does not work so has been commented out for now
            //this.grid.AllowSorting = true;

            //Bind the three columns to the SPGridView
            //HtmlEncode must be false for the links to appear as true html
            BoundField column = new BoundField();
            column.DataField = "Title";
            column.HtmlEncode = false;
            //column.SortExpression = "Title";
            column.HeaderText = "Title";

            BoundField column1 = new BoundField();
            column1.DataField = "Created";
            column1.HtmlEncode = true;
            //column1.SortExpression = "Created";
            column1.HeaderText = "Created";

            BoundField column2 = new BoundField();
            column2.DataField = "List";
            column2.HtmlEncode = false;
            //column2.SortExpression = "List";
            column2.HeaderText = "List";

            //Has been commented out due to these sections not working
            //grid.AllowFiltering = true;

            //grid.FilterDataFields = "Title";
            //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression";
            //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'";

            //grid.FilterDataFields = "Created";
            //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression";
            //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'";

            //grid.FilterDataFields = "ListName";
            //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression";
            //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'";

            //Provide the SPGridview with the DataSource
            grid.DataSourceID = "myDataSource";

            //grid.PageSize =10;
            //grid.AllowPaging = true;

            //Default Pagination - commented out due to not working
            //grid.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler(grid_PageIndexChanging);
            //grid.PagerTemplate = null;

            //Bind the data to the grid


        //private void GenerateColumns()


        //Used to deal with the PageIndexChange event
        void grid_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
            grid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

        //Used to deal with the ObjectCreated event
        void ds_ObjectCreating(object sender, ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e)
            myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt);
            e.ObjectInstance = myDataTable;

        //Pulls the data from lists which will be displayed
        public DataTable SelectData()
                //Create a new instance of type DataRow
                DataRow row;

                //Loop through each website in the webcollection

                    //Pull the lists from the site into a list collection
                    siteLists = thisWeb.Lists;
                    //Display only lists the current user has access to
                    siteLists.ListsForCurrentUser = true;

                    SPBasePermissions perms = SPBasePermissions.ViewListItems;

                    //Loop through each list within the list collection
                    foreach (SPList list in siteLists)
                        if (list.DoesUserHavePermissions(perms))
                            //If the list is an announcement list continue otherwise skip
                            if (list.BaseTemplate.ToString() == "Announcements")
                                //Exclude the lists stated from those whose data will be collected
                                if (list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz" || list.Title.ToString() == "Test 2 list")
                                    //Create a item collection for each item within the current list
                                    SPListItemCollection listItem = list.Items;

                                    //Loop through each item within the item collection
                                    foreach (SPListItem item in listItem)
                                        //Get the url of the current website
                                        string weburl = thisWeb.Url;
                                        //Gets the URL of the current item
                                        string dispurl = item.ContentType.DisplayFormUrl;
                                        dispurl = list.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url;

                                        //Joins together the full URL for the current item into a single variable
                                        dispurl = string.Format("{0}/{1}?ID={2}", weburl, dispurl, item.ID);
                                        //Create a new in the datatable as an instance of row
                                        row = dt.Rows.Add();

                                        //Put the correct information and links into the correct column
                                        row["Title"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + dispurl + "\">" + item["Title"].ToString() + "</a>";
                                        row["Created"] = item["Created"].ToString();
                                        row["List"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + list.DefaultViewUrl + "\">" + list.Title + "</a>";
                //Return the completed DataTable
                return dt;

            //Exception to catch any errors
            catch (Exception s)
                return dt;
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