это должно работать, проверено
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
//hide all list items, and show the first 5 items
$('#items li').hide().slice(0, 5).show();
//hide the up button
var length = $('#items li').length;
var current_page = 0;
var per_page = 5;
var arrow = $(this).attr("id");
if(arrow == 'down') {
current_page = current_page + 1; //increment the page
if (length >= current_page*per_page) { //check if it's possible page
$('#items li').hide().slice((current_page*per_page), (current_page*per_page+per_page)).fadeIn(); //show the next page
else if(arrow == 'up') {
current_page = current_page - 1; //decrement the page
if (current_page >= 0) { //check if it's possible page
$('#items li').hide().slice((current_page*per_page), (current_page*per_page+per_page)).fadeIn(); //show the prev page
//check if the down button will be still shown or hidden
if (length >= (current_page+1)*per_page) $('#down').show();
else $('#down').hide();
//check if the up button will be still shown or hidden
if ((current_page-1) >= 0) $('#up').show();
else $('#up').hide();
<img src="./up.jpg" id="up" class="arrow">
<img src="./down.jpg" id="down" class="arrow">
<ul id="items">