Я использую модуль gc для устранения утечки.
Это программа с графическим интерфейсом, и я подключил эту функцию к кнопке.
[(<type '_ctypes.Array'>,), {'__module__': 'ctypes._endian', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, '_length_': 3, '_type_': <class 'ctypes.c_int'>, '__doc__': None}, <class 'ctypes._endian.c_int_Array_3'>, <attribute '__dict__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, <attribute '__weakref__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, (<class 'ctypes._endian.c_int_Array_3'>, <type '_ctypes.Array'>, <type '_ctypes._CData'>, <type 'object'>), (<type '_ctypes.CFuncPtr'>,), {'__module__': 'ctypes', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, '_flags_': 1, '__doc__': None, '_restype_': <class 'ctypes.c_int'>}, <class 'ctypes._FuncPtr'>, <attribute '__dict__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, <attribute '__weakref__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, (<class 'ctypes._FuncPtr'>, <type '_ctypes.CFuncPtr'>, <type '_ctypes._CData'>, <type 'object'>), {}, <cell at 0x10a24b0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10a2478: dict object at 0x11a4440>, <cell at 0x7f1703949f68: function object at 0x10ec7d0>, <cell at 0x10e2f30: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2d70: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2ef8: str object at 0x7f1703dd5e10>, <cell at 0x10e2de0: dict object at 0x118aaa0>, {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'couchdb-python 0.6'}, (<cell at 0x10e2f30: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10a24b0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10e2de0: dict object at 0x118aaa0>, <cell at 0x10a2478: dict object at 0x11a4440>, <cell at 0x10e2d70: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2ef8: str object at 0x7f1703dd5e10>, <cell at 0x7f1703949f68: function object at 0x10ec7d0>), <function _make_request at 0x10ec7d0>, (1,), {}, <cell at 0x10e2bb0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10e2e88: dict object at 0x119f360>, <cell at 0x10f0130: function object at 0x10ec578>, <cell at 0x10f01d8: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f01a0: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f00f8: str object at 0x7f170b05d810>, <cell at 0x10f00c0: dict object at 0x11969a0>, {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'couchdb-python 0.6'}, (<cell at 0x10f01d8: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2bb0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10f00c0: dict object at 0x11969a0>, <cell at 0x10e2e88: dict object at 0x119f360>, <cell at 0x10f01a0: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f00f8: str object at 0x7f170b05d810>, <cell at 0x10f0130: function object at 0x10ec578>), <function _make_request at 0x10ec578>, (1,), {}, <cell at 0x10f0440: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10f02b8: dict object at 0x11b2d70>, <cell at 0x10f0360: function object at 0x10ec6e0>, <cell at 0x10f0280: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f02f0: str object at 0x10ca228>, <cell at 0x10f0408: str object at 0x7f170b05d810>, <cell at 0x10f0050: dict object at 0x11b6370>, {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'couchdb-python 0.6'}, (<cell at 0x10f0280: NoneType object at 0x826880>]