Когда я пытаюсь разрешить ссылку на CORBA, я получаю ошибку сегментации. Либо я слепой, либо я сделал что-то действительно глупое для этой работы. Я использую ACE 5.7.9 TAO 1.7.9 для CORBA. Хотите знать, если кто-нибудь может помочь мне, пожалуйста ???
Ошибка сегментации, по-видимому, происходит в строке "serverRef = Corba :: Orb :: getOrb (). комментирование этой строки приведет к тому, что приложение будет работать нормально.
Я скопировал весь код зависимостей ниже.
bool ClsSend::ServerObject::resolveServerRef()
clssendlog << debug << "In ClsSend::ServerObject::resolveServerRef 1" << endl;
bool referenceIsUsable = true;
ostringstream errMsg;
// Are we dealing with a new reference?
if (CORBA::is_nil (serverRef.in()))
try {
Monitor crit (mutexCoreRef);
if (CORBA::is_nil (serverRef.in()))
// Step 1: Resolve the object reference
serverRef = Corba::Orb::getOrb().resolveObjectReference <GenericServerWithTransport> (myIOR.c_str());
// Step 2: Ping to check connectivity if reference is not null
if (!CORBA::is_nil (serverRef.in()))
errMsg << "Not registered in naming server.";
referenceIsUsable = false;
} catch (const CORBA::COMM_FAILURE &exc) {
referenceIsUsable = false;
} catch (const NamingException &exc) {
errMsg << exc;
referenceIsUsable = false;
} catch (...) {
errMsg << "Unknown exception";
referenceIsUsable = false;
return referenceIsUsable;
/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////
resolObjectReference outline,
// Resolve a reference to an object, return a nil object reference if none is bound
// Specify the name with a delimited string
template<class T> typename T::_var_type resolveObjectReference(const string &name,
char delimiter = '/')
return Corba::resolveObjectReference<T> (orb_.in(), name, delimiter);
// Resolve a reference to an object, return a nil object reference if none is bound
// Specify the name with a delimited c-style string
template<class T>
typename T::_var_type resolveObjectReference(const CORBA::ORB_ptr & orb, const string &name, char delimiter = '/')
return resolveObjectReference<T> (orb, convertToCosName(name, delimiter));
// Resolve a reference to an object, return a nil object reference if none is bound
// Specify the name with a CosNaming::Name object
template<class T>
typename T::_var_type resolveObjectReference(const CORBA::ORB_ptr & orb, const CosNaming::Name &name)
typename T::_var_type typedObj;
CORBA::Object_var obj;
// Check it is a valid name
assert_throw(name.length() > 0);
// Try to resolve the object reference
obj = getNamingContext(orb)->resolve(name);
// If the object reference was bound to nil emit a warning but return nil, do not throw
if (CORBA::is_nil(obj.in()))
liblog << warning << "Object reference " << toString(name)
<< " bound to nil in naming service" << endl;
typedObj = T::_narrow(obj.in());
// If the object reference narrowed to nil this indicates the object was of the wrong type
if (CORBA::is_nil(typedObj.in()))
liblog << error << "Object reference " << toString(name)
<< " is not of the expected type " << typeid(T).name() << endl;
throw NamingException("Object reference narrows to a nil");
catch (const CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound &exc)
// Object not bound - return nil
return typedObj;
// Local function - getNamingContext
CosNaming::NamingContext_var getNamingContext(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)
// Get the initial reference to the naming service
CORBA::Object_var nameService;
// Try to get a reference to the naming service
nameService = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
if (CORBA::is_nil(nameService.in()))
liblog << error << "Name service reference bound to nil" << endl;
throw NamingException("Naming service reference bound to nil");
// cerr << "Name service IOR: " << getORB()->object_to_string (nameService) << endl;
// Narrow the reference to the root naming context
CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext =
if (CORBA::is_nil(rootContext.in()))
liblog << error << "Name service reference resolved to nil" << endl;
throw NamingException("Naming service reference resolves to nil");
return rootContext;
// Local function - convertToCosName
CosNaming::Name convertToCosName(const string &strname, char delimiter)
const char *name = strname.c_str();
CosNaming::Name cosName;
cosName.length(count(name, name + strlen(name), delimiter) + 1);
size_t index = 0;
const char *next = strchr(name, delimiter);
if (next == NULL)
next = name + strlen(name);
while (next != NULL)
cosName[index].id = string(name, next).c_str();
cosName[index++].kind = CORBA::string_dup("");
if (*next)
name = next + 1;
next = strchr(name, delimiter);
if (next == NULL)
next = name + strlen(name);
next = NULL;
return cosName;