Вот решение для анализа, которое может быть проще в управлении, чем решение для регулярных выражений:
text = "# Mj = 1.60 ff = 7580.6 gg = 0.8325 "
from pyparsing import Word, nums, Literal
# subexpression for a real number, including conversion to float
realnum = Word(nums+"-+.E").setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
# overall expression for the full line of data
linepatt = (Literal("#") + "Mj" + "=" + realnum("Mj") +
"ff" + "=" + realnum("ff") +
"gg" + "=" + realnum("gg"))
# use '==' to test for matching line pattern
if text == linepatt:
res = linepatt.parseString(text)
# dump the matched tokens and all named results
print res.dump()
# access the Mj data field
print res.Mj
# use results names with string interpolation to print data fields
print "%(Mj)f %(ff)f %(gg)f" % res
['#', 'Mj', '=', 1.6000000000000001, 'ff', '=', 7580.6000000000004, 'gg', '=', 0.83250000000000002]
- Mj: 1.6
- ff: 7580.6
- gg: 0.8325
1.600000 7580.600000 0.832500