Вот подход.
Одним словом, создайте два списка токенов, которые вы найдете: один для слов, а другой для пробелов. Затем соедините новую строку со словами в обратном порядке и пробелами в прямом порядке.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
string test_string = "this is my test string";
int main()
// Create 2 vectors of strings. One for words, another for spaces.
typedef vector<string> strings;
strings words, spaces;
// Walk through the input string, and find individual tokens.
// A token is either a word or a contigious string of spaces.
for( string::size_type pos = 0; pos != string::npos; )
// is this a word token or a space token?
bool is_char = test_string[pos] != ' ';
string::size_type pos_end_token = string::npos;
// find the one-past-the-end index for the end of this token
if( is_char )
pos_end_token = test_string.find(' ', pos);
pos_end_token = test_string.find_first_not_of(' ', pos);
// pull out this token
string token = test_string.substr(pos, pos_end_token == string::npos ? string::npos : pos_end_token-pos);
// if the token is a word, save it to the list of words.
// if it's a space, save it to the list of spaces
if( is_char )
// move on to the next token
pos = pos_end_token;
// construct the new string using stringstream
stringstream ss;
// walk through both the list of spaces and the list of words,
// keeping in mind that there may be more words than spaces, or vice versa
// construct the new string by first copying the word, then the spaces
strings::const_reverse_iterator it_w = words.rbegin();
strings::const_iterator it_s = spaces.begin();
while( it_w != words.rend() || it_s != spaces.end() )
if( it_w != words.rend() )
ss << *it_w++;
if( it_s != spaces.end() )
ss << *it_s++;
// pull a `string` out of the results & dump it
string reversed = ss.str();
cout << "Input: '" << test_string << "'" << endl << "Output: '" << reversed << "'" << endl;