У меня есть класс, который выполняет преобразования RGB, HSB и HSL.Я НЕ эксперт по цвету, и я также не утверждаю, что этот класс имеет самые быстрые алгоритмы (он использует string.Convert местами, чтобы обеспечить преобразование с плавающей запятой, как ожидалось - который теперь можно будет пересмотреть с некоторыминовые преобразования BCL с плавающей запятой меняются ...)
Однако этот класс был протестирован и некоторое время работал, и, похоже, работает правильно.Я использую его для создания Frozen Wpf Brushes, которые не работают многократно (или в каком-то критическом пути рендеринга);и результаты, кажется, как и ожидалось.
Если у вас есть критические проблемы, вы должны изучить код ... Вот он:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using SystemMath = System.Math;
namespace Sc.Util.Rendering
/// <summary>
/// Static methods for transforming argb spaces and argb values.
/// </summary>
public static class SimpleColorTransforms
private static double tolerance
=> 0.000000000000001;
/// <summary>
/// Defines brightness levels.
/// </summary>
public enum Brightness
: byte
Bright = 255,
MediumBright = 210,
Medium = 142,
Dim = 98,
XDim = 50
/// <summary>
/// Defines alpha levels.
/// </summary>
public enum Alpha
: byte
Opaque = 255,
MediumHigh = 230,
Medium = 175,
MediumLow = 142,
Low = 109,
XLow = 45
/// <summary>
/// Defines hint alpha levels.
/// </summary>
public enum HintAlpha
: byte
Low = 64,
XLow = 48,
XxLow = 32,
XxxLow = 16
/// <summary>
/// Specifies a mode for argb transformations.
/// </summary>
public enum ColorTransformMode
: byte
/// <summary>
/// Converts RGB to HSL. Alpha is ignored.
/// Output is: { H: [0, 360], S: [0, 1], L: [0, 1] }.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">The color to convert.</param>
public static double[] RgBtoHsl(Color color)
double h = 0D;
double s = 0D;
double l;
// normalize red, green, blue values
double r = color.R / 255D;
double g = color.G / 255D;
double b = color.B / 255D;
double max = SystemMath.Max(r, SystemMath.Max(g, b));
double min = SystemMath.Min(r, SystemMath.Min(g, b));
// hue
if (SystemMath.Abs(max - min) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
h = 0D; // undefined
else if ((SystemMath.Abs(max - r) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (g >= b))
h = (60D * (g - b)) / (max - min);
else if ((SystemMath.Abs(max - r) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (g < b))
h = ((60D * (g - b)) / (max - min)) + 360D;
else if (SystemMath.Abs(max - g) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
h = ((60D * (b - r)) / (max - min)) + 120D;
else if (SystemMath.Abs(max - b) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
h = ((60D * (r - g)) / (max - min)) + 240D;
// luminance
l = (max + min) / 2D;
// saturation
if ((SystemMath.Abs(l) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
|| (SystemMath.Abs(max - min) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance))
s = 0D;
else if ((0D < l)
&& (l <= .5D))
s = (max - min) / (max + min);
else if (l > .5D)
s = (max - min) / (2D - (max + min)); //(max-min > 0)?
return new[]
SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(360D, double.Parse($"{h:0.##}"))),
SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, double.Parse($"{s:0.##}"))),
SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, double.Parse($"{l:0.##}")))
/// <summary>
/// Converts HSL to RGB, with a specified output Alpha.
/// Arguments are limited to the defined range:
/// does not raise exceptions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">Hue, must be in [0, 360].</param>
/// <param name="s">Saturation, must be in [0, 1].</param>
/// <param name="l">Luminance, must be in [0, 1].</param>
/// <param name="a">Output Alpha, must be in [0, 255].</param>
public static Color HsLtoRgb(double h, double s, double l, int a = 255)
h = SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(360D, h));
s = SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, s));
l = SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, l));
a = SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, a));
// achromatic argb (gray scale)
if (SystemMath.Abs(s) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance) {
return Color.FromArgb(
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{l * 255D:0.00}")))),
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{l * 255D:0.00}")))),
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{l * 255D:0.00}")))));
double q = l < .5D
? l * (1D + s)
: (l + s) - (l * s);
double p = (2D * l) - q;
double hk = h / 360D;
double[] T = new double[3];
T[0] = hk + (1D / 3D); // Tr
T[1] = hk; // Tb
T[2] = hk - (1D / 3D); // Tg
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (T[i] < 0D)
T[i] += 1D;
if (T[i] > 1D)
T[i] -= 1D;
if ((T[i] * 6D) < 1D)
T[i] = p + ((q - p) * 6D * T[i]);
else if ((T[i] * 2D) < 1)
T[i] = q;
else if ((T[i] * 3D) < 2)
T[i] = p + ((q - p) * ((2D / 3D) - T[i]) * 6D);
T[i] = p;
return Color.FromArgb(
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{T[0] * 255D:0.00}")))),
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{T[1] * 255D:0.00}")))),
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{T[2] * 255D:0.00}")))));
/// <summary>
/// Converts RGB to HSB. Alpha is ignored.
/// Output is: { H: [0, 360], S: [0, 1], B: [0, 1] }.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">The color to convert.</param>
public static double[] RgBtoHsb(Color color)
// normalize red, green and blue values
double r = color.R / 255D;
double g = color.G / 255D;
double b = color.B / 255D;
// conversion start
double max = SystemMath.Max(r, SystemMath.Max(g, b));
double min = SystemMath.Min(r, SystemMath.Min(g, b));
double h = 0D;
if ((SystemMath.Abs(max - r) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (g >= b))
h = (60D * (g - b)) / (max - min);
else if ((SystemMath.Abs(max - r) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (g < b))
h = ((60D * (g - b)) / (max - min)) + 360D;
else if (SystemMath.Abs(max - g) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
h = ((60D * (b - r)) / (max - min)) + 120D;
else if (SystemMath.Abs(max - b) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
h = ((60D * (r - g)) / (max - min)) + 240D;
double s = SystemMath.Abs(max) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance
? 0D
: 1D - (min / max);
return new[]
SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(360D, h)),
SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, s)),
SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, max))
/// <summary>
/// Converts HSB to RGB, with a specified output Alpha.
/// Arguments are limited to the defined range:
/// does not raise exceptions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">Hue, must be in [0, 360].</param>
/// <param name="s">Saturation, must be in [0, 1].</param>
/// <param name="b">Brightness, must be in [0, 1].</param>
/// <param name="a">Output Alpha, must be in [0, 255].</param>
public static Color HsBtoRgb(double h, double s, double b, int a = 255)
h = SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(360D, h));
s = SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, s));
b = SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(1D, b));
a = SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, a));
double r = 0D;
double g = 0D;
double bl = 0D;
if (SystemMath.Abs(s) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
r = g = bl = b;
else {
// the argb wheel consists of 6 sectors. Figure out which sector
// you're in.
double sectorPos = h / 60D;
int sectorNumber = (int)SystemMath.Floor(sectorPos);
// get the fractional part of the sector
double fractionalSector = sectorPos - sectorNumber;
// calculate values for the three axes of the argb.
double p = b * (1D - s);
double q = b * (1D - (s * fractionalSector));
double t = b * (1D - (s * (1D - fractionalSector)));
// assign the fractional colors to r, g, and b based on the sector
// the angle is in.
switch (sectorNumber) {
case 0 :
r = b;
g = t;
bl = p;
case 1 :
r = q;
g = b;
bl = p;
case 2 :
r = p;
g = b;
bl = t;
case 3 :
r = p;
g = q;
bl = b;
case 4 :
r = t;
g = p;
bl = b;
case 5 :
r = b;
g = p;
bl = q;
return Color.FromArgb(
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{r * 255D:0.00}")))),
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{g * 255D:0.00}")))),
SystemMath.Max(0, SystemMath.Min(255, Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse($"{bl * 250D:0.00}")))));
/// <summary>
/// Multiplies the Color's Luminance or Brightness by the argument;
/// and optionally specifies the output Alpha.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">The color to transform.</param>
/// <param name="colorTransformMode">Transform mode.</param>
/// <param name="brightnessTransform">The transformation multiplier.</param>
/// <param name="outputAlpha">Can optionally specify the Alpha to directly
/// set on the output. If null, then the input <paramref name="color"/>
/// Alpha is used.</param>
public static Color TransformBrightness(
Color color,
ColorTransformMode colorTransformMode,
double brightnessTransform,
byte? outputAlpha = null)
double[] hsl = colorTransformMode == ColorTransformMode.Hsl
? SimpleColorTransforms.RgBtoHsl(color)
: SimpleColorTransforms.RgBtoHsb(color);
if ((SystemMath.Abs(hsl[2]) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (brightnessTransform > 1D))
hsl[2] = brightnessTransform - 1D;
hsl[2] *= brightnessTransform;
return colorTransformMode == ColorTransformMode.Hsl
? SimpleColorTransforms.HsLtoRgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], outputAlpha ?? color.A)
: SimpleColorTransforms.HsBtoRgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], outputAlpha ?? color.A);
/// <summary>
/// Multiplies the Color's Saturation, and Luminance or Brightness by the argument;
/// and optionally specifies the output Alpha.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">The color to transform.</param>
/// <param name="colorTransformMode">Transform mode.</param>
/// <param name="saturationTransform">The transformation multiplier.</param>
/// <param name="brightnessTransform">The transformation multiplier.</param>
/// <param name="outputAlpha">Can optionally specify the Alpha to directly
/// set on the output. If null, then the input <paramref name="color"/>
/// Alpha is used.</param>
public static Color TransformSaturationAndBrightness(
Color color,
ColorTransformMode colorTransformMode,
double saturationTransform,
double brightnessTransform,
byte? outputAlpha = null)
double[] hsl = colorTransformMode == ColorTransformMode.Hsl
? SimpleColorTransforms.RgBtoHsl(color)
: SimpleColorTransforms.RgBtoHsb(color);
if ((SystemMath.Abs(hsl[1]) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (saturationTransform > 1D))
hsl[1] = saturationTransform - 1D;
hsl[1] *= saturationTransform;
if ((SystemMath.Abs(hsl[2]) < SimpleColorTransforms.tolerance)
&& (brightnessTransform > 1D))
hsl[2] = brightnessTransform - 1D;
hsl[2] *= brightnessTransform;
return colorTransformMode == ColorTransformMode.Hsl
? SimpleColorTransforms.HsLtoRgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], outputAlpha ?? color.A)
: SimpleColorTransforms.HsBtoRgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], outputAlpha ?? color.A);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Color by combining R, G, and B from each Color, scaled by the Color's Alpha.
/// The R, G, B of each Color is scaled by the Color's Alpha. The R, G, B of both results is
/// then added together and divided by 2. The valuea are limited to [0, 255].
/// The Alpha of the output Color is specified; and is also limited to [0, 255]
/// (does not raise exceptions).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color1">Combined by scaling RGB by the A.</param>
/// <param name="color2">Combined by scaling RGB by the A.</param>
/// <param name="outputAlpha">The Alpha of the output Color.</param>
public static Color AlphaCombine(Color color1, Color color2, byte outputAlpha)
double a1 = color1.A / 255D;
double a2 = color2.A / 255D;
return Color.FromArgb(
(byte)SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(255D, ((color1.R * a1) + (color2.R * a2)) * .5D)),
(byte)SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(255D, ((color1.G * a1) + (color2.G * a2)) * .5D)),
(byte)SystemMath.Max(0D, SystemMath.Min(255D, ((color1.B * a1) + (color2.B * a2)) * .5D)));