def deleteDept = {
def departmentInstance = Department.findByName(params.department.name)
if (!departmentInstance) {
println "no dept instance"
throw new org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.NewInstanceCreationException ("could not create DeptInstance for ${params.department.name}")
} else if (departmentInstance.paySvcs && !departmentInstance.paySvcs.isEmpty()){
println "instance with paySvcs"
// !!!! do not delete the department if it has payment services !!!!
// render(view: "editDept", model: [departmentInstance: departmentInstance])
redirect(action: "editDept", id: departmentInstance.id)
} else{
println "proceed to delete"
try {
departmentInstance.delete(flush: true)
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'department.label', default: 'Department'), departmentInstance.name])}"
redirect(action: "appAdmin", id: departmentInstance.id)
catch (org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
println "something went wrong"
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'department.label', default: 'Department'), departmentInstance.name])}"
redirect(action: "editDept", id: departmentInstance.id)
def AppAdminController controller = new AppAdminController() // create the controller
controller.metaClass.message = { Map p -> return "foo" } // message dummy returning garbage - work around the controller message exception
controller.params.department = [name:"dept1", phone:"817-273-3260", g_password:"password", street:"Main St.", g_userID:"user", unitCode:"1234567", email:"dept1@yahoo.com", zip:"75097", fax:"817-273-2222"]
def dept2 = new Department (name: "Dept2", unitCode: "1234568", street: "Main St.", zip: "75097", fax: "817-273-2222", phone: "817-273 3260", email: "dept2@yahoo.com", g_userID: "user", g_password: "password")
def dept1 = new Department (name: "Dept1", unitCode: "1234568", street: "Main St.", zip: "75097", fax: "817-273-2222", phone: "817-273 3260", email: "dept1@yahoo.com", g_userID: "user", g_password: "password")
def math = new PaySvc()
def another = new PaySvc()
dept.paySvcs = []
mockDomain(Department, [dept1, dept2])
def svcTest = Department.findByName("Dept1")
assertNotNull svcTest // record Dept1 exists
assertEquals 2, svcTest.paySvcs.size() // 2 paySvcs total
controller.deleteDept() // calling the action
svcTest = null
svcTest = Department.findByName("Dept1")
assertNotNull svcTest // record Dept1 still exists, it was not deleted
// can't test render, controller.response.contentAsString is null
// but testing at the UI is OK
// assertEquals "editDept", controller.response.contentAsString // action should render "editDept"
assertEquals "editDept", controller.redirectArgs.action
render(view: "editDept", model: [departmentInstance: departmentInstance])
работает при тестировании вручную в пользовательском интерфейсе.Но в интеграционном тесте controller.response имеет значение null при использовании render, но возвращает ожидаемый redirectArg при использовании redirect.Есть идеи почему?