Я просто пытаюсь опубликовать свой веб-сайт, разработанный на asp.net MVC, который создан, и добьются успеха.но при публикации я получаю этот статус ошибки в конце:
Публикация папки bin / es / .svn / tmp / prop-base ... Публикация папки bin / es / .svn / tmp / props... Публикация папки bin / es / .svn / tmp / text-base ... ========== Построение: 1 успешно или обновлено, 0 не выполнено, 0 пропущено ========== ========== Публикация: 0 выполнено, 1 не выполнено, 0 пропущено ==========
До этих строк я получаю:
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_allcaps.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_allcaps.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_bold.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_bold.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_columns.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_columns.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_complete.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_complete.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_direction.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_direction.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_double_underline.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_double_underline.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_dropcaps.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_dropcaps.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_fit.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_fit.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_flip.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_flip.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_font_default.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_font_default.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_1.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_1.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_2.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_2.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_3.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_3.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_4.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_4.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_5.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_5.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_6.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_6.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_horizontalrule.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_horizontalrule.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_indent.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_indent.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_indent_remove.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_indent_remove.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_inverse.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_inverse.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_italic.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_italic.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_kerning.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_kerning.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_left_to_right.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_left_to_right.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_letter_omega.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_letter_omega.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_letterspacing.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_letterspacing.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_linespacing.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_linespacing.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_list_bullets.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_list_bullets.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_list_numbers.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_list_numbers.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_lowercase.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_lowercase.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_lowercase_a.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_lowercase_a.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_mirror.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_mirror.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_padding_bottom.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_padding_bottom.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_padding_left.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_padding_left.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_padding_right.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_padding_right.png'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Но эти файлы удалены.как это убрать?Я хочу быть чисто построенным, опубликованным приложением.Может ли эта ошибка стать причиной сбоя в функциональности в spplicstion, если я разверну этот сайт?