Объект Logger - переменная область действия - доступ к классу / функции / и т. Д. - PullRequest
2 голосов
/ 24 сентября 2010

Итак, я хочу найти лучший способ, позволяющий моему классу Logger получить доступ к любой части скрипта, либо к другому классу / функции / и т.д. ... Как бы я это сделал?Как мне сделать его глобальным.

Могу ли я сделать что-то вроде этого:

Logger::info('Add message like this?');

Вызов скрипта: call.php

require_once('Logger.class.php'); // Just adding the class initializes the Logger Object

$logEntry->info("Log info");
$logEntry->error("Log error");
$logEntry->warning("Log warning");
$logEntry->notice("Log notice");

$logEntry->enableDebug(); // prints debug to log
$logEntry->debug("Log debug enabled");
$logEntry->debug("Log debug disabled"); // will not print to log

$another_obj = new Another(); // want the Logger to have access inside this class
More(); // want the Logger to have access inside this function


class Another {
   private $var;

   // I want to add the Logger here
   $logEntry->info("Another Log");

   // More code here it's just an example ...


function More() {
   // I want to add the Logger here
   $logEntry->info("More Log");

Вот сценарий Logger.class.php

//Define Constants
define("LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY", "/var/www/logs");
ini_set("memory_limit","128M"); // Logger class is taking up memory

class Logger {
    private $log_file_directory = LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY;
    private $first_run;         // Flag to add line break at the beginning of script execution
    private $calling_script;    // Base name of the calling script
    private $log_file;          // log file path and name
    private $log_entry;         // information to be logged
    private $log_level;         // Log severity levels: error, warning, notice, debug, info
    private $fh;                // File handle
    private $file_name;         // File path and name
    private $file_parts;        // Array of $file_name
    private $script_name;       // Script Name
    private $script_parts;      // Array of $script_name
    private $line_number_arr;   // Line number of where the logging event occurred 
    private $debug_flag;        // Set to true if you want to log your debug logger

    function __construct() {
        $this->first_run        = true;
        $this->debug_flag       = false;
        $this->calling_script   = '';       
        $this->log_file         = '';
        $this->log_entry        = '';
        $this->log_level        = '';
        $this->fh               = '';
        $this->file_name        = '';
        $this->file_parts       = '';
        $this->script_name      = '';
        $this->script_parts     = '';   
        $this->line_number_arr  = '';   

     * @enableDebug
    public function enableDebug() {
        $this->debug_flag = true;

     * @disbaleDebug
    public function disableDebug() {
        $this->debug_flag = false;

     * @info
    public function info($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'info';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @error
    public function error($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'error';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @warning
    public function warning($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'warning';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @notice
    public function notice($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'notice';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @debug
     * must add the below to the script you wish to debug
     * define("DEBUG", true); // true enables, false disables
    public function debug($message) {
        if($this->debug_flag) {
            $this->log_level = 'debug';
            $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

    private function addEntry($message) {
        $this->calling_script = $this->getScriptBaseName();
        $this->log_file = $this->log_file_directory."/".$this->calling_script.".log";
        $this->fh = fopen($this->log_file, 'a') or die("Can't open log file: ".$this->log_file);

        if($this->first_run) {
            $this->log_entry = "\n[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime()) . "][line:".$this->line_number_arr[0]['line']."|".$this->log_level."]:\t".$message."\n";
        } else {
            $this->log_entry = "[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime()) . "][line:".$this->line_number_arr[0]['line']."|".$this->log_level."]:\t".$message."\n";
        fwrite($this->fh, $this->log_entry);

        $this->first_run = false;

     * return the base name of the calling script
    private function getScriptBaseName() {
        $this->file_name    = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
        $this->file_parts   = explode('/', $this->file_name);
        $this->script_name  = $this->file_parts[count($this->file_parts) - 1];
        $this->script_parts = explode('.', $this->script_name);

        // If file doesn't exists don't add line break
        if(!file_exists($this->script_parts[0].".log")) {
            $this->first_run = false;
        return $this->script_parts[0];

// Start log instance 
$logEntry = new Logger();


1 Ответ

3 голосов
/ 25 сентября 2010

Вы можете реализовать его как класс, полный статических функций, например:

class Logger {
  protected $logfile = null;

  public static load() {
    self::$logfile = fopen('error.log', 'a');

  public static info($msg) {
    if(self::$logfile == null)

    fwrite(self::$logfile, $msg);

, а затем использовать его с Logger::info("My message..");.Другой распространенный способ сделать это - использовать одноэлементный класс, так что вы можете создать только один объект «Logger» и извлечь его, например, Logger::getInstance()->logInfo("My message");.

В вашем случае (поскольку вы уже реализовалинормальный класс) Я бы сделал __construct приватным и реализовал класс как одиночный.Невозможно сделать $ logEntry глобально доступным.Ваш код станет:

//Define Constants
define("LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY", "/var/www/logs");
ini_set("memory_limit","128M"); // Logger class is taking up memory

class Logger {
    private $log_file_directory = LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY;
    private $first_run;         // Flag to add line break at the beginning of script execution
    private $calling_script;    // Base name of the calling script
    private $log_file;          // log file path and name
    private $log_entry;         // information to be logged
    private $log_level;         // Log severity levels: error, warning, notice, debug, info
    private $fh;                // File handle
    private $file_name;         // File path and name
    private $file_parts;        // Array of $file_name
    private $script_name;       // Script Name
    private $script_parts;      // Array of $script_name
    private $line_number_arr;   // Line number of where the logging event occurred 
    private $debug_flag;        // Set to true if you want to log your debug logger
    private static $instance = null;

    private function __construct() {
        $this->first_run        = true;
        $this->debug_flag       = false;
        $this->calling_script   = '';       
        $this->log_file         = '';
        $this->log_entry        = '';
        $this->log_level        = '';
        $this->fh               = '';
        $this->file_name        = '';
        $this->file_parts       = '';
        $this->script_name      = '';
        $this->script_parts     = '';   
        $this->line_number_arr  = '';   

    public static function getInstance() {
        if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
            $c = __CLASS__;
            self::$instance = new $c;

        return self::$instance;

     * @enableDebug
    public function enableDebug() {
        $this->debug_flag = true;

     * @disbaleDebug
    public function disableDebug() {
        $this->debug_flag = false;

     * @info
    public function info($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'info';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @error
    public function error($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'error';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @warning
    public function warning($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'warning';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @notice
    public function notice($message) {
        $this->log_level = 'notice';
        $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

     * @debug
     * must add the below to the script you wish to debug
     * define("DEBUG", true); // true enables, false disables
    public function debug($message) {
        if($this->debug_flag) {
            $this->log_level = 'debug';
            $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace();

    private function addEntry($message) {
        $this->calling_script = $this->getScriptBaseName();
        $this->log_file = $this->log_file_directory."/".$this->calling_script.".log";
        $this->fh = fopen($this->log_file, 'a') or die("Can't open log file: ".$this->log_file);

        if($this->first_run) {
            $this->log_entry = "\n[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime()) . "][line:".$this->line_number_arr[0]['line']."|".$this->log_level."]:\t".$message."\n";
        } else {
            $this->log_entry = "[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime()) . "][line:".$this->line_number_arr[0]['line']."|".$this->log_level."]:\t".$message."\n";
        fwrite($this->fh, $this->log_entry);

        $this->first_run = false;

     * return the base name of the calling script
    private function getScriptBaseName() {
        $this->file_name    = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
        $this->file_parts   = explode('/', $this->file_name);
        $this->script_name  = $this->file_parts[count($this->file_parts) - 1];
        $this->script_parts = explode('.', $this->script_name);

        // If file doesn't exists don't add line break
        if(!file_exists($this->script_parts[0].".log")) {
            $this->first_run = false;
        return $this->script_parts[0];


Затем вы будете использовать свой класс глобально , используя Logger::getInstance()->info($msg);

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