Я не смог найти однозначного ответа (я нашел документ @ E.J. Бреннан, на который ссылаются, немного плотный и неясный). Поэтому я добавил к этот пример и проверил, что да, вы можете добавлять / удалять столбцы :
USE adventureworks
create partition function YearPF(datetime) as range right for values ('20050101');
-- Now we need to add filegroups that will contains partitioned values
alter database adventureworks add filegroup YearFG1;
alter database adventureworks add filegroup YearFG2;
-- Now we need to add file to filegroups
alter database adventureworks add file (name = 'YearF1', filename = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdvWorksF1.ndf') to filegroup YearFG1;
alter database adventureworks add file (name = 'YearF2', filename = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdvWorksF2.ndf') to filegroup YearFG2;
-- Here we associate the partition function to
-- the created filegroup via a Partitioning Scheme
create partition scheme YearPS as partition YearPF to (YearFG1, YearFG2)
-- Now just create a table that uses the particion scheme
create table PartitionedOrders
Id int not null identity(1,1),
DueDate DateTime not null,
) on YearPS(DueDate)
-- And now we just have to use the table!
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20020101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20030101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20040101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20050101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20060101')
-- Now we want to see where our values has falled
select *, $partition.YearPF(DueDate) from PartitionedOrders
-- see if we can add a column
ALTER TABLE PartitionedOrders ADD NewColumn INT NULL
-- add some more records, populating the new column
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20010101', 1)
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20070101', 2)
-- see that they were inserted properly
select *, $partition.YearPF(DueDate) from PartitionedOrders
ALTER TABLE PartitionedOrders DROP COLUMN NewColumn
-- see that the column dropped
select *, $partition.YearPF(DueDate) from PartitionedOrders
/* clean up
drop table PartitionedOrders
drop partition scheme YearPS;
drop partition function YearPF;
alter database adventureworks remove file YearF1;
alter database adventureworks remove file YearF2;
alter database adventureworks remove filegroup YearFG1;
alter database adventureworks remove filegroup YearFG2;