Я новичок в Java, а также в новых операторах while, for и if / else.Я действительно боролся с этим чудовищем проблемы.
Код и описание ниже.Он компилируется, но я не рассчитываю, как ожидалось.Я не совсем уверен, является ли это математической логической ошибкой, ошибкой расположения петель, или и тем, и другим.
Я уже довольно долго шлифую свои шестерни, и я не могу этого увидеть.Я чувствую, что я действительно близко ... но все еще так далеко.
This program uses a while loop to to request two numbers and output (inclusively) the odd numbers between them,
the sum of the even numbers between them, the numbers and their squares between 1 & 10, the sum of the squares
of odd numbers.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SumOfaSquare
static Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main (String[] args)
int firstnum = 0, secondnum = 0, tempnum = 0;
int sum = 0,squaresum = 0, squarenum = 0;
int number = 1;
String oddOutputMessage = "The odd numbers between" + firstnum + " and " + secondnum + " inclusively are:";
String evenSumMessage = "The sum of all even numbers between " + firstnum + " and " + secondnum + "is: ";
String oddSquareMessage = "The odd numbers and their squares are : ";
String squareMessage = "The numbers and their squares from 1-10 are : ";
System.out.println ("Please enter 2 integers. The first number should be greater than the second: ");
firstnum = console.nextInt();
secondnum = console.nextInt();
//used to find out if first number is greater than the second. If not, inform user of error.
if (firstnum > secondnum)
tempnum = firstnum;
System.out.println ("You entered: " + firstnum + " and: " + secondnum);
System.out.println ("Your first number was not greater than your second number. Please try again.");
//while the frist number is greater, do this....
while (tempnum <= secondnum)
//if it's odd....
if (tempnum %2 == 1)
oddOutputMessage = (oddOutputMessage + tempnum + " ");
squaresum = (squaresum + tempnum * tempnum);
//otherwise it's even..
sum = sum + tempnum;
evenSumMessage = (evenSumMessage + sum + " ");
// figures squares from 1 - 10
while (number <=10)
squarenum = (squarenum + number * number);
squareMessage = (squareMessage + number + " " + squarenum);
oddSquareMessage = oddSquareMessage + squaresum;
System.out.println (oddOutputMessage);
System.out.println (oddOutputMessage);
System.out.println (squareMessage);
System.out.println (evenSumMessage);
System.out.println (oddSquareMessage);