Я полагаю, что вы ищете установленную функциональность сродства.
Processor affinity is a modification of the native central queue scheduling
algorithm in a symmetric multiprocessing operating system. Each task
(be it process or thread) in the queue has a tag indicating its
preferred / kin processor. At allocation time, each task is allocated to
its kin processor in preference to others.
Извлеките эту ветку , в которой обсуждается использование настройки привязки к определенной ветке.
Выдержки из этой темы:
int sched_setaffinity(pid_t pid,size_t cpusetsize,cpu_set_t *mask);
Passing 0 as the pid, and it'll apply to the current thread only, or have other
thread report their kernel pid with the linux specific call pid_t gettid(void);
and pass that in as the pid.