У меня есть следующий код asm:
org $1000 ;Table Origin is at $1000
fcb $02,$04,$06,$08 ; values of table from $1001 - $1004
fcb $0a,$0c,$0e,$10 ; values of table from $1005 - $1009
org $400 ; Program Start
lds #$4000 ; Set Stack Pointer at value (#) $4000
ldy #$1000 ; Set Index Y at $1000
ldaa #$04 ; Load Accumulator a with value $04
loop staa $20,y ; Store value of Accumulator a at y = $1000 {DOESNT WORK}
staa $21,y ; Store value of Accumulator a at y = $1021 {DOESNT WORK}
iny ; increment y (at this point $1020 and $1021 are still ff)
iny ; increment y (at this point $1020 and $1021 are still ff)
deca ; decrement a
bne loop ; loop until a = 0
hold bra hold ; end of program
Таблица установлена правильно, но при 1020 Стаа ничего не пишет. Зачем?