Консолидация вики-ответов Джейсона Пратта и сообщества с обзором результатов различных методов привязки:
Обратите особое внимание на то, как добавление функции привязки в качестве метода класса работает , но область ссылки неверна.
#!/usr/bin/python -u
import types
import inspect
## dynamically adding methods to a unique instance of a class
# get a list of a class's method type attributes
def listattr(c):
for m in [(n, v) for n, v in inspect.getmembers(c, inspect.ismethod) if isinstance(v,types.MethodType)]:
print m[0], m[1]
# externally bind a function as a method of an instance of a class
def ADDMETHOD(c, method, name):
c.__dict__[name] = types.MethodType(method, c)
class C():
r = 10 # class attribute variable to test bound scope
def __init__(self):
#internally bind a function as a method of self's class -- note that this one has issues!
def addmethod(self, method, name):
self.__dict__[name] = types.MethodType( method, self.__class__ )
# predfined function to compare with
def f0(self, x):
print 'f0\tx = %d\tr = %d' % ( x, self.r)
a = C() # created before modified instnace
b = C() # modified instnace
def f1(self, x): # bind internally
print 'f1\tx = %d\tr = %d' % ( x, self.r )
def f2( self, x): # add to class instance's .__dict__ as method type
print 'f2\tx = %d\tr = %d' % ( x, self.r )
def f3( self, x): # assign to class as method type
print 'f3\tx = %d\tr = %d' % ( x, self.r )
def f4( self, x): # add to class instance's .__dict__ using a general function
print 'f4\tx = %d\tr = %d' % ( x, self.r )
b.addmethod(f1, 'f1')
b.__dict__['f2'] = types.MethodType( f2, b)
b.f3 = types.MethodType( f3, b)
ADDMETHOD(b, f4, 'f4')
b.f0(0) # OUT: f0 x = 0 r = 10
b.f1(1) # OUT: f1 x = 1 r = 10
b.f2(2) # OUT: f2 x = 2 r = 10
b.f3(3) # OUT: f3 x = 3 r = 10
b.f4(4) # OUT: f4 x = 4 r = 10
k = 2
print 'changing b.r from {0} to {1}'.format(b.r, k)
b.r = k
print 'new b.r = {0}'.format(b.r)
b.f0(0) # OUT: f0 x = 0 r = 2
b.f1(1) # OUT: f1 x = 1 r = 10 !!!!!!!!!
b.f2(2) # OUT: f2 x = 2 r = 2
b.f3(3) # OUT: f3 x = 3 r = 2
b.f4(4) # OUT: f4 x = 4 r = 2
c = C() # created after modifying instance
# let's have a look at each instance's method type attributes
print '\nattributes of a:'
# OUT:
# attributes of a:
# __init__ <bound method C.__init__ of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FD88>>
# addmethod <bound method C.addmethod of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FD88>>
# f0 <bound method C.f0 of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FD88>>
print '\nattributes of b:'
# OUT:
# attributes of b:
# __init__ <bound method C.__init__ of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FE08>>
# addmethod <bound method C.addmethod of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FE08>>
# f0 <bound method C.f0 of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FE08>>
# f1 <bound method ?.f1 of <class __main__.C at 0x000000000237AB28>>
# f2 <bound method ?.f2 of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FE08>>
# f3 <bound method ?.f3 of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FE08>>
# f4 <bound method ?.f4 of <__main__.C instance at 0x000000000230FE08>>
print '\nattributes of c:'
# OUT:
# attributes of c:
# __init__ <bound method C.__init__ of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002313108>>
# addmethod <bound method C.addmethod of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002313108>>
# f0 <bound method C.f0 of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002313108>>
Лично я предпочитаю внешний маршрут функции ADDMETHOD, так как он позволяет мне динамически назначать новые имена методов и в итераторе.
def y(self, x):
d = C()
for i in range(1,5):
ADDMETHOD(d, y, 'f%d' % i)
print '\nattributes of d:'
# OUT:
# attributes of d:
# __init__ <bound method C.__init__ of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>
# addmethod <bound method C.addmethod of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>
# f0 <bound method C.f0 of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>
# f1 <bound method ?.y of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>
# f2 <bound method ?.y of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>
# f3 <bound method ?.y of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>
# f4 <bound method ?.y of <__main__.C instance at 0x0000000002303508>>