Этот скрипт PowerShell должен делать то, что вы ищете. Он анализирует файл проекта, чтобы получить включенные файлы кода. Затем он сравнивает этот список с реальными файлами на диске. Остальные файлы - ваши неиспользуемые / устаревшие файлы.
Сценарий может удалять неиспользуемые файлы с диска или ожидает их удаления в TFS.
Find and process files in a project folder that are not included in the project.
Find and process files in a project folder that are not included in the project.
Options to delete the files or to add them as pending deletes for TFS. Use TF.exe to pend the deletes and start the check-in process for the files.
This is necessary when trying to delete files that are not currently included in a Visual Studio project.
The path/name for the project file.
The Visual Studio version (10, 11, 12). Used to locate the tf.exe file.
.PARAMETER DeleteFromDisk
Just delete the files from disk. No interaction with any source control.
After pending the deletes, open the check-in dialog.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[int] $VsVersion = 12,
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$tfPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(X86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio $VsVersion.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe"
$projectPath = Split-Path $project
$fileType = "*.cs"
$fileType = "*.vb"
$projectFiles = Select-String -Path $project -Pattern '<compile' | % { $_.Line -split '\t' } | `
% {$_ -replace "(<Compile Include=|\s|/>|["">])", ""} | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $projectPath, $_ }
Write-Host "Project files:" $projectFiles.Count
$diskFiles = gci -Path $path -Recurse -Filter $fileType | % { $_.FullName}
Write-Host "Disk files:" $diskFiles.Count
$diff = (compare-object $diskFiles $projectFiles -PassThru)
Write-Host "Excluded Files:" $diff.Count
#create a text file for log purposes
$diffFilePath = Join-Path $projectPath "DiffFileList.txt"
$diff | Out-File $diffFilePath -Encoding UTF8
notepad $diffFilePath
#just remove the files from disk
$diff | % { Remove-Item -Path $_ -Force -Verbose}
else #TFS options
#this will add the files as pending deletes in TFS (awaiting check-in)
$diff | % {
[Array]$arguments = @("delete", "`"$_`"")
& "$tfPath" $arguments
#start the check-in process for the pending deletes
[Array]$arguments = "checkin", "/recursive", "$projectPath"
& $tfPath $arguments