У меня есть этот метод
def last_board
user = current_user #current_user
boards = current_user.boards #return every boards that belongs to current_user e.g. [#<Board _id: 4f2968ac1d41c81c7c000063, _type: "Board", created_at...]
followers = user.all_followers #return every followers of user [#<User _id: 4f2862b21d41c847e200005b, _type: "User" reset_password_sent_at: nil, confirmation_token: nil,...]
followers.each do |follower|
boards.each do |board|
# I want to be a follower of user, if I am following at least one board of this user
#I want run this code, "follower.unfollow(user)", only if follower does not following any user's board.
#this method "follower.follower_of?(board)" return true or false if follower follow board