Скажем, у меня есть скрипт с количеством строк, начинающихся foobar
Я хотел бы переместить все строки в конец документа, сохраняя их порядок
например. перейти от:
# There's a Polar Bear
# In our Frigidaire--
foobar['brangelina'] <- 2
# He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
# With his seat in the meat
foobar['billybob'] <- 1
# And his face in the fish
# There's a Polar Bear
# In our Frigidaire--
# He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
# With his seat in the meat
# And his face in the fish
foobar['brangelina'] <- 2
foobar['billybob'] <- 1
Это насколько я получил:
grep foobar file.txt > newfile.txt
sed -i 's/foobar//g' foo.txt
cat newfile.txt > foo.txt