Я писал программу и использовал double.Попробуйте Parse, чтобы проверить, является ли строка числовой.
class Game{ // declares the class
private static string[,] board = new string[3, 3]{
{" ", " ", " "}, // top row
{" ", " ", " "}, // middle row
{" ", " ", " "} // bottom row
private static void print(){
System.Console.WriteLine("\n {0} | {1} | {2} ", board[2, 0], board[2, 1], board[2, 2]);
System.Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2} ", board[1, 0], board[1, 1], board[1, 2]);
System.Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2} \n", board[0, 0], board[0, 1], board[0, 2]);
private static void calculateMoves(){
System.Console.Write("The possible moves are: ");
int n = 1; // this is used to list all possible moves.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
if (board[i, j] == " "){
System.Console.Write("{0} ", n);
} // end print possible moves.
System.Console.WriteLine(); // go to next line
public static bool isNumeric(string s){ // this functions checks if the input string is numeric.
double Result;
return double.TryParse(s, out Result);
static void Main(){
// the main function, the program starts from (this is a method declartion)
System.Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome to theelitenoob's simple tic tac toe game!");
System.Console.WriteLine("Written in C#, released under the GPL.");
System.Console.WriteLine("The board is 3 by 3, Type a number to place a move there.");
System.Console.WriteLine("So 1 is bottom left and 9 is top right, like a standard keypad.\n");
int winner = 0; // there is no winner yet.
// write players piece
System.Console.WriteLine("You are x");
// create the board
int move; // move number
string input; // the string from which move number is got from
while(winner == 0){
System.Console.Write("Please type in a move number: ");
input = System.Console.ReadLine();
if(!isNumeric(input)){ // check if input is *not* numeric
// if it isn't, print message and ask for input again.
System.Console.WriteLine("Thats not a valid move, Try again!");
move = System.Convert.ToInt32(input);
if (move == 1 && board[0, 0] == " ")board[0, 0] = "x";
if (move == 2 && board[0, 1] == " ")board[0, 1] = "x";
if (move == 3 && board[0, 2] == " ")board[0, 2] = "x";
if (move == 4 && board[1, 0] == " ")board[1, 0] = "x";
if (move == 5 && board[1, 1] == " ")board[1, 1] = "x";
if (move == 6 && board[1, 2] == " ")board[1, 2] = "x";
if (move == 7 && board[2, 0] == " ")board[2, 0] = "x";
if (move == 8 && board[2, 1] == " ")board[2, 1] = "x";
if (move == 9 && board[2, 2] == " ")board[2, 2] = "x";
} // end while loop
Тем не менее. это показывает мне ошибку: всякий раз, когда я пытаюсь скомпилировать, я просматривал все msdn и искал в Google, но не могу понять, как это исправить.
Это ошибка, которую я получаю:
tictactoe.cs(33,23): error CS1501: No overload for method 'TryParse' takes '2' arguments
Кто-нибудь знает, почему это происходит и как это исправить?