Спасибо за этот код, тем лучше я нашел в Интернете.Я использую ваш код в своем проекте, но мне нужно использовать таблицу стилей qss, и ваш код не работает.Я заменяю QItemDelegate на QStyledItemDelegate и модифицирую ваш код (вертикальное выравнивание по html-ссылке, может быть, вы можете найти другое более простое обходное решение), и выполняю вычисления только тогда, когда строка начинается с '
class LinkItemDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
linkActivated = pyqtSignal(str)
linkHovered = pyqtSignal(str) # to connect to a QStatusBar.showMessage slot
def __init__(self, parentView):
super(LinkItemDelegate, self).__init__(parentView)
assert isinstance(parentView, QAbstractItemView), \
"The first argument must be the view"
# We need that to receive mouse move events in editorEvent
# Revert the mouse cursor when the mouse isn't over
# an item but still on the view widget
# documents[0] will contain the document for the last hovered item
# documents[1] will be used to draw ordinary (not hovered) items
self.documents = []
for i in range(2):
self.lastTextPos = QPoint(0,0)
def drawDisplay(self, painter, option, rect, text):
# Because the state tells only if the mouse is over the row
# we have to check if it is over the item too
mouseOver = option.state & QStyle.State_MouseOver \
and rect.contains(self.parent().viewport() \
.mapFromGlobal(QCursor.pos())) \
and option.state & QStyle.State_Enabled
# Force to be vertically align
fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(option.font)
rect.moveTop(rect.y() + rect.height() / 2 - fontMetrics.height() / 2)
if mouseOver:
# Use documents[0] and save the text position for editorEvent
doc = self.documents[0]
self.lastTextPos = rect.topLeft()
doc = self.documents[1]
# Links are decorated by default, so disable it
# when the mouse is not over the item
doc.setDefaultStyleSheet("a {text-decoration: none; }")
ctx = QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.PaintContext()
ctx.palette = option.palette
doc.documentLayout().draw(painter, ctx)
def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index):
if event.type() not in [QEvent.MouseMove, QEvent.MouseButtonRelease] \
or not (option.state & QStyle.State_Enabled):
return False
# Get the link at the mouse position
# (the explicit QPointF conversion is only needed for PyQt)
pos = QPointF(event.pos() - self.lastTextPos)
anchor = self.documents[0].documentLayout().anchorAt(pos)
if anchor == "":
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
return True
return False
def sizeHint(self, option, index):
# The original size is calculated from the string with the html tags
# so we need to subtract from it the difference between the width
# of the text with and without the html tags
size = super(LinkItemDelegate, self).sizeHint(option, index)
if option.text.startswith('<a'):
# Use a QTextDocument to strip the tags
doc = self.documents[1]
html = index.data() # must add .toString() for PyQt "API 1"
plainText = doc.toPlainText()
fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(option.font)
diff = fontMetrics.width(html) - fontMetrics.width(plainText)
size = size - QSize(diff, 0)
return size
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
if (index.isValid()):
text = None
options = QStyleOptionViewItem(option)
if options.text.startswith('<a'):
text = options.text
options.text = ""
style = options.widget.style() if options.widget.style() else QApplication.style()
style.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, options, painter, options.widget)
if text:
textRect = style.subElementRect(QStyle.SE_ItemViewItemText, options, options.widget)
self.drawDisplay(painter, option, textRect, text)
. Не забудьте подключить делегат элемента:
linkItemDelegate = LinkItemDelegate(self.my_treeView)
self.my_treeView.setItemDelegate(linkItemDelegate) # Create custom delegate and set model and delegate to the treeview object
И это прекрасно работает!