Это говорит о том, что в моем массиве я прошел индекс. Моя программа - игра с угадыванием чисел, в которую играют 5 игроков (5 индексов). Я использовал массивы для создания объектов и классов игроков.
Я достиг пня, где моя программа вылетает во втором или третьем раунде игры. Я заметил, что во время моего второго раунда свойство index не зацикливалось: цикл подсчитывает индекс от 1 до 5 в первом цикле, затем подсчитывает от 2 до 5 во втором цикле, затем, если я даже попаду в 3-й раунд цикла все индексы перемешаны, что означает, что я не могу перейти от 1 к 5.
Когда каждый игрок получает 3 догадки, используйте эти 3 догадки, и вы выйдете из игры. Я взял массив объекта, который я создал для игрока, создал временный массив, меньший, чем предыдущий, и сослался на него, чтобы получить текущий массив.
Я просмотрел свои ссылки в коде и нашел столько кода, сколько смог исправить, я не могу найти ошибку, которая вызывает мою System.IndexOutOfRangeException. Это вызвано моим классом игры в догадки.
Вот мой класс GuessingGame:
using System; // only this using statement is needed here.
namespace GuessingGame
class GuessingGame
#region instance attributes
private const int GUESSES_ALLOWED = 3;
private const int NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS_TO_START = 5;
private const int MIN_VALUE = 1;
private const int MAX_VALUE = 15;
private Player[] players;
private Random randomSource;
public GuessingGame()
Console.WriteLine("Starting Constructor of GuessingGame");
players = new Player[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS_TO_START];
randomSource = new Random();
string playerName = "";
for (int index = 0; index < players.Length; index++)
Console.Write("What is the name for player #"
+ (index +1) + "?\t");
playerName = Console.ReadLine();
players[index] = new Player(playerName, randomSource);
Console.WriteLine("Ending GuessingGame Constructor");
public GuessingGame(string [] playerNames)
Console.WriteLine("Starting Constructor of GuessingGame");
players = new Player[playerNames.Length];
randomSource = new Random();
for (int index = 0; index < playerNames.Length; index++)
players[index] = new Player(playerNames[index], randomSource);
public void playGame()
int numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound = 0;
int index = 0;
bool[] playedThisRound = null;
string playerGuessEntry = "";
int playerGuessValue = -1;
Player[] tempArray = new Player[players.Length - 1];
bool roundOver = false;
"Starting playGame - press any key to continue");
while (roundOver == false) // Is this the right condition?
playedThisRound = new bool[players.Length];
while (playedThisRound[index] == false)
+ ", Enter a number between "
+ MIN_VALUE.ToString()
+ " and " + MAX_VALUE.ToString()
+ " inclusive\t");
playerGuessEntry = Console.ReadLine();
while (!int.TryParse(playerGuessEntry,
out playerGuessValue)
|| playerGuessValue < MIN_VALUE
|| playerGuessValue > MAX_VALUE);
if(playerGuessValue < MIN_VALUE || playerGuessValue > MAX_VALUE)
Console.Write("Invalid guess- try again");
Console.WriteLine("You entered "
+ playerGuessValue.ToString());
playedThisRound[index] = true;
if (index == players.Length)
Console.WriteLine("End of Round");
index = 0; //edit?
numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound = 0;
if (players[index].getGuessesUsed() == 3)
{//creating a temp array
Console.WriteLine("Guesses MAXED");
tempArray = players[index].deletePlayerFromArray(players, index);
players = tempArray; // referencing
bool[] tempBooleanArray = new bool[playedThisRound.Length - 1];//reducing size of played this round array
Console.WriteLine("Playedthisround length: " + playedThisRound.Length + " \nThe Index: " + index.ToString());
tempBooleanArray = players[index].deletePlayerBool(playedThisRound, index);
playedThisRound = tempBooleanArray;
Console.WriteLine("New Player Array Size: " + players.Length);
Console.WriteLine("New Boolean Array Size: " + playedThisRound.Length);
if (index == players.Length - 1)
index = 0;
numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound = 0;
if (players.Length == 1)
roundOver = true;
Console.WriteLine("WINNER:" + players[index].getName() +
"\nWins: " + players[index].getWins() + "\nArray Size: " + players.Length.ToString());
}//end of while
Console.WriteLine("Ending playGame - "
+ "press any key to continue");
public bool playersAlreadyPlayed(bool[] thePlayer)
bool havePlayed = false;
for (int plays = 0; plays < thePlayer.Length; plays++)
if (thePlayer[plays] == false)
havePlayed = false;
havePlayed = true;
return havePlayed;
static void Main(string[] args)
GuessingGame newGame = new GuessingGame();
А вот и класс игрока
using System;
namespace GuessingGame
class Player
private String name;
private int winningNumber;
private int guessesUsed;
private int wins;
private Random myWinningNumberSource;
public Player(string newName, Random random)
name = newName;
guessesUsed = 0;
wins = 0;
myWinningNumberSource = random;
winningNumber = myWinningNumberSource.Next(1, 16);
public bool makeAGuess(int guessValue)
bool isWinner = false;//edit
if (guessValue == winningNumber)
Console.WriteLine("Congradulations, You have guessed correct number!\n");
Console.WriteLine("You have a total of " + wins + " wins!");
Console.WriteLine("You have " + (3 - guessesUsed) + " guesses left!\n");
winningNumber = myWinningNumberSource.Next(1, 16);
isWinner = true; //edit
Console.WriteLine("Oh no! You have guessed incorretly!");
Console.WriteLine("You have used " + guessesUsed + " and have " + (3 - guessesUsed) + " guesses left!");
Console.WriteLine("HINT: You should have guessed " + winningNumber);
isWinner = false;
if (guessesUsed > 3)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you have Lost, Game Over");
return isWinner;
public int getGuessesUsed()
return guessesUsed;
public string getName()
return name;
public int getWins()
return wins;
public Player[] getWinner(Player[] nPlayers)
int maxScore = 0; //edit
Player[] winningPlayers;
winningPlayers = new Player[5];
for (int i = 0; i < nPlayers.Length; i++)
if (nPlayers[i].wins >= maxScore)
winningPlayers[i].wins = nPlayers[i].getWins();
winningPlayers[i].name = nPlayers[i].getName();
return winningPlayers;
public bool[] deletePlayerBool(bool[] playedThisRound, int removeIndex)//edit
bool[] newArray = new bool[playedThisRound.Length - 1];
int tempIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < playedThisRound.Length; i++)
if (i != removeIndex)
newArray[tempIndex++] = playedThisRound[i];
return newArray;
public Player[] deletePlayerFromArray(Player[] nPlayers, int removeIndex)
Player[] newArray = new Player[nPlayers.Length - 1];
int tempIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nPlayers.Length; i++)
if (i != removeIndex)
newArray[tempIndex++] = nPlayers[i];
return newArray;