Я сделал индикатор прогресса в web2py, но он отображается только в окне терминала. Как я могу заставить индикатор выполнения работать на HTML-странице web2py?
Вот часть кода:
k = 1 # This is the loop variable for subplots.
for counter in nus:
fig = plt.figure()
D = E*(h**3)/(12*(1-counter**2)) # Cylindrical rigidity.
T0 = (L**2)/(D*np.pi**2)*T0_orig # Nondimensional tension.
amax = T0/kappa # Maximum allowed alpha (to keep tension nonnegative everywhere).
alphas = [0, (10**-6)*amax, (10**-4)*amax, (10**-2)*amax] # Nondimensional alphas to use for plot.
workdone = 0.0 # How much of the Figure has been calculated? 0.0 = none, 1.0 = Figure is ready to show.
workstep = 100.0/len(alphas) # How much work is done during one step in the loop? If there are 4 steps in the loop, then then step will be 100.0/4 = 25.0.
for alpha in alphas:
lambda_, xx, f = nonhomog_solver(kappa, alpha, nu, nx)
V0 = np.sqrt( T0_orig/m + np.pi**2 * D/(m*L**2)*lambda_ )
if (k == 1):
V0_ref = V0
# Figure 1
fig_a = fig.add_subplot(2,2,k)
if (k == 1):
fig_a.set_title(r'$\alpha / \alpha_{max} = %.2g, V_{0}^{ref} = %.6g$ m/s' % (alpha/amax, V0))
fig_a.set_title(r'$\alpha / \alpha_{max} = %.2g, V_{0}/V_{0}^{ref} = %.6g$' % (alpha/amax, V0/V0_ref))
if ((k == 1) or (k == 3)):
workdone = workdone + workstep
print "Figure 1:", workdone, "%/100.0% done."
# Let's get ready for the next subfigure.
k = k + 1