Следующий код должен выводиться в файл .csv.
Примечание!Сначала добавьте ссылку на dll Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll) :
Из окна VBA Сервис-> Ссылки-> Проверить Microsoft Scripting Runtime dll
Воткод, который работает (вы можете создать макрос и поместить код внутри него):
Dim wordsArray, arrayElement
Dim delimiter As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim outputFile As textStream
'select all document's content
'provide delimiter
delimiter = InputBox("Please enter delimiter to use")
'split the selected content and place it inside the array
wordsArray = Split(Selection.Text, delimiter)
'generate output file name
fileName = "C:\Output.csv"
'create new FileSystem object and open text stream to write to
Set fs = New FileSystemObject
Set outputFile = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True) 'note file will be overwritten
'iterate through array and write to the file
For Each arrayElement In wordsArray
'Use the following code to place each word into separate COLUMN
'outputFile.Write (arrayElement) & ","
'Use the following code to place each word into separate ROW
outputFile.WriteLine (arrayElement)
'close output stream
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