Вот пример обратной записи сообщения:
IBaseMessage Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IComponent.Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
IBaseMessagePart bodyPart = pInMsg.BodyPart;
if (bodyPart != null)
using (Stream originalStrm = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream())
byte[] changedMessage = ConvertToBytes(ret);
using (Stream strm = new AsciiStream(originalStrm, changedMessage, resManager))
// Setup the custom stream to put it back in the message.
bodyPart.Data = strm;
return pInMsg;
AsciiStream использовал такой метод для чтения потока:
override public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int ret = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
byte[] FixedData = this.changedBytes;
if (FixedData != null)
bytesRead = count > (FixedData.Length - overallOffset) ? FixedData.Length - overallOffset : count;
Array.Copy(FixedData, overallOffset, buffer, offset, bytesRead);
if (FixedData.Length == (bytesRead + overallOffset))
this.changedBytes = null;
// Increment the overall offset.
overallOffset += bytesRead;
offset += bytesRead;
count -= bytesRead;
ret += bytesRead;
return ret;