В итоге я понял это.Вот модифицированный код, прокомментированный для вашего удобства:
function cycles(){
//Activate main slide with proper pager/carousel container.
$('#ul-homecycle').after('<div id="homecycle-carousel-container"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="btn-homecycle-prev" class="transhover"></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="btn-homecycle-next" class="transhover"></a><ul id="homecycle-carousel">').cycle({
timeout: 7000,
speed: 500,
sync: true,
fx: 'fade',
fit: 0,
startingSlide: 2,
slideResize: 0,
pager: '#homecycle-carousel',
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx,slide){
return '<a href="javascript:setSlide('+ idx +')" class="transhover"><img src="../images/home/thumb_carousel' + idx + '.jpg" width="183" height="72" /></a>';
// Build pager that automagically hightlights updated pager thumb and also continue to next pager slide if the next thumb isn't visible
updateActivePagerLink: function(pager, activeIndex) {
$(pager).find('a:eq('+activeIndex+')').addClass('active').children('img').fadeTo(200, 1);
//If next slide in carousel is hidden then go to next carousel slide
if ($(pager).find('a:eq('+activeIndex+')').parent('li').css('display') == "none"){
//Before building the carousel wrap an Li around every 5 thumbs
$('#homecycle-carousel > a').each(function(i) {
var a = $('#homecycle-carousel > a');
for( var i = 0; i < a.length; i+=5 ) {
a.slice(i, i+5).wrapAll('<li></li>');
//Now that we have Lis wrapped around every 5 thumbs, initiate new cycle
easing: 'easeOutSine',
prev: '#btn-homecycle-prev',
next: '#btn-homecycle-next',
slideExpr: 'li',
speed: 500,
fx: 'scrollHorz'
//Artifically activate new thumb
$('#homecycle-carousel li a').click(function(){
$('#homecycle-carousel li a').not(this).removeClass('active').children('img').fadeTo(200,.5);